71 Gina

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Heyyy guess who's back from the dead? (and sober this time)

It was a rainy day near the end of March, and I was walking home from the coffee shop I work at. I had to pull my jacket tighter around myself every other minute, and I could feel the water start to seep unpleasantly into my sneakers as I walked along the wet streets. The sky was grey and wind blew at the trees fiercely ; no one I passed along the way smiled or acknowledged me, and everyone seemed rather glum because of the weather. This part of the city is usually bright and full of laughter and chatter, musicians play their music at street corners and hot dog stands are serving customers... just not today.

I'm about to start cursing in frustration as a car splashes water on my jeans when I see something. Well, I see them.

Without realizing it, I stop and stare across the street to where a young couple stands together. Except they aren't just standing there shivering miserably, like everyone else seems to be. They're dancing- like full on dancing: jumping and twisting and spinning! The girl has clear cocoa skin and the most beautiful golden eyes, and her boyfriend towers over her with his dark eyes and hair. But the two of them are laughing and smiling as he spins her around and around under the heavy rain. They don't seem to be bothered in the slightest by the unpleasant weather. I realize I had probably been staring for too long when the girl climbs onto his back and he runs away with her giggling and pointing at something above him, and they quickly get lost in a crowd of people crossing the street.

Feeling a bit embarrassed and ashamed for watching, I duck my head and travel the last bit of distance to my apartment, but not everything seems so gloomy anymore. I enter my bedroom and throw on a dry pair of clothes as the water boils for tea, which I take and drink by my kitchen window. And as I sit and watch the crowds walking in the rain below, I can help but think that maybe we could all learn something from that couple- how to smile and find joy even when things aren't looking so bright. 

It's short but there's a cute little Frazel fluff for you. <3

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