•44• Paul's students

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If I can get up to at least 500 reads on my other story "The Unjust" (I'm at like 376 right now) I will update Meeting the Demigods 3 times by the end of the day!!! So go read it right now please!

Miranda's POV

It was at one o'clock exactly when I had first heard the name "Percy Jackson". I was sitting in Mr. Blofis' English class, waiting for him to start the lesson. He is a cool enough teacher, he does give homework but not too much. He always tries to include fun or interesting things in our projects and he always assigns us with a partner we actually like to work with! Mr. Blofis has greyish-white hair and warm eyes that sparkle when he is ether proud or happy. Finally, after he has finally gotten the boys to quiet down, he speaks.

"I'm sure most of you remember me saying how we would being a geek mythology unit, starting tomorrow?" He asks and there is a chorus of "Yes" or "Yes, Mr.Blofis" and he nods, satisfied. He then walks over to his computer, turns the projector on and clicks on a file. Immediately a picture of Paul and three other people pop up. I recognized Sally , Mr.Blofis' wife because I have met her once before, she came into the class to drop off something for him.

There is also a boy, a very hot boy might I add. He has raven black hair and beautiful, bright green eyes that resemble the Caribbean sea. His teeth are a stunning white and he has a strong jawline. I wish he went to our school! He has his arm around a girl's waist, as Mr.B has his around Sally. The girl has golden-blonde, curly hair and shocking gray eyes! She looks like she came straight out of a fairytale.

"This..." Says Mr.Blofis, interrupting my daydream "Is my son Percy and his fiancé Annabeth. They are both in their senior year, like you kids." He says and my eyes widen. They're engaged?! That is really young to be getting married! I hope they know what they're doing.

"Anyways, it is important you know about my son and future daughter in law because they are both top notch experts in Greek mythology. They both speak the language fluently, and not the new Greek language... the oldest version of it. I guarantee you that they know more than any museum guide or expert." He says and he sounds so confident that I somehow believe him. How two kids our age could know that much I don't know but I think I'm about to find out.

"They will both be coming tomorrow only for my class and will be coming to help teach your classes for the rest of the unite... which I am hoping to finish in a month's time. Dismissed." Mr. Blofis says and after the bell rings we all leave class. I meet up outside with Amy, Glen and Lucas and together we walk to the frozen yogurt shop. I get blueberry and vanilla, my two favorites and we all sit outside at a table to eat.

"What do you think Percy and Annabeth will be like?" Lucas asks through a mouth full of raspberry yogurt. Amy laughs and Glen answers first.

"I don't know if their heads are screwed on right if they are get

ting married this young. What are they thinking?!" He says an accidently flings some chocolate yogurt on my nose. I wipe it off, glaring playfully at him.

"Well I think it will be fun!" Says Amy thoughtfully as she takes another bite of her lemon sorbet. I agree with both of them. We finish our food and part ways, all walking home as we all live decently close to the school and frozen yogurt shop.

Glen *The next day

I'm walking to English right now and I am really curious about Mr.Blofis' kids. I wonder if they will be rude, or cool or just plain weird. When I walk into the class and sit down I notice that everyone is whispering excitedly about these new people. A few minutes later, Mr. Blofis walks in with two people.

"Class, this is my son Percy, and his fiancé Annabeth." He says and the couple steps forward.

"As you already know, my name is Annabeth Chase and this is my fiancé Percy Jackson. Let me just tell you that although we are both passionate about Greek mythology and will make things interesting and fun, this is still a lesson so make sure you pay attention." Annabeth says with a mischievous smile. For the rest of the class, they tell us about different Greek heroes and their adventures. They also make sure that we all know the major gods and their territory. The class is very intense but it is interesting just like Annabeth promised. They aren't so bad after all!

Lucia's POV
Let me tell you about myself. My name is Lucia Christano and I am basically a part of the snobby popular group. I like being part of this group and I am the queen bee, Jessa's "third in command" but I don't let her control me like she does those other stupid wannabes in the group. I'm part of the group because I'm smart and I help Jessa's to get the guys she wants. We don't bully people like in the movies, we just do a lot of toying with people and flirting.

Right now I'm sitting in English. We are just finishing up the first section of our Greek mythology unit today. Monsters start tomorrow and weapons and battle strategy will be in a week or two. Percy is very hot, I will admit that but there is no chance he would ditch his fiancé. Apparently Jessa doesn't see that though...

"What has been your guys' favourite god or goddess so far?" Percy asks and Jessa's hand shoots up. Percy picks her and she immediately puts on her "flirty face" and flutters her eyes at him.

"I like Hera because she is the goddess of marriage." She says sweetly and I roll my eyes. Nice try Jessa, but don't be so delusional. It is so not going to happen! Now I don't think Percy realized how his response effected Jessa, but it was hilarious anyways.

"Really? Did you know she is also the goddess of cows?" He asks and the whole class bursts out laughing, including Annabeth and myself. Jessa just got burned and Percy didn't even realize it! Hopefully that will lower her ego a little bit!

Michael's POV
I thought that this class would be boring. But it turns out it's the only thing I actually pay attention to! I am what you would call a player. Except for the girls I sleep with KNOW that I only do one night stands. So I don't lead them on or anything, that's low even for me! I have messy brown hair and dark brown eyes. I live with my mom, I never knew my dad. I am about to leave class at the end when Percy and Annabeth stop me.

"Micheal. We need you to come with us, your safety depends on it." Annabeth says and my eyes widen. What is going on?! They call my ma and tell her that they are taking me to "camp" whatever that is, and she surprisingly agrees! The whole car ride there, Annabeth drives while Percy explains that I am apparently a demigod. That explains all of the weird things I've seen! We eventually get out of the car and run into the tree line, dodging branches and bushes sad we go father into the forest. Suddenly, I hear a screech and this weird bird-human like creature is chasing me.

"Come on Michael, run faster!" Percy shouts and I do. I sprint as fast as I can towards the border and I trip over a rock at the end. I am sent flying through the force-field and land on my face.

"Owwwwww." I groan into the dirt. I feel two pairs of hands helping me up and I look to see Percy and Annabeth.

"Your father claimed you as soon as you flew through the border, not that you could see. You kind of crashed." Says Percy and Annabeth rolls her eyes.

"Welcome to camp half-blood, a safe haven for us demigods." Says Annabeth. The two then smile at me and bow, saying. "All hail Michael, son of Hermes."

Hope you liked it. If you want to see the next three updates today, go read the unjust right now!

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