•30• Just like us.

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Travis and Connor, the Stoll brothers, had met a fair amount of pranksters. Well being the sons of Hermes had its perks! But they had never met a pair as experienced as the one they are about to meet now...

"Connor?" I ask my brother. "Did you put that bucket up above us?" He shakes his head and I study it. Hmm... I wonder. I pull Connor behind the building and into an entry parking lot. We then climb up onto the roof and inch our way up to the front. And guess what? Two boys are laying there, looking down at the passing people and probably trying to pick a target. Now that we're above the bucket, we can see a dark red liquid sloshing around inside. The two rehearses guys haven't noticed us yet so as quietly as possible, my brother and I lay down slightly behind them, one of us on either side of the pair. I inch forward so that I'm almost directly in line with the guy on my side and tap his shoulder, Connor does the same.

He looks to the side and sees me. And both of the boys, who are definitely twins, jump up about ten feet! "Who the bloody hell are you?!" They exclaim and Connor and I have to pull them back so no one sees us.

"Travis and Connor Stoll." My brother and I say in unison with me adding "not twins, just brothers" at the end.
They shake our hands and grin
"Fred and George Weasley, twins." They say and I grin at them. Suddenly u can see George's eyes widen and the two boys push past us and smirk. "That..." He says, pointing to someone that is coming down the street "is our target."

I study the person, the lady has a big hat and an expensive looking, white coat. She has nice sun glasses and bright red lipstick on. I can easily i tell why they choose her as their target, she looks snobby, fancy and her white coat practically screams "Dye me!"
Hmm... dye me, that sounds like the coat wants me to kill it. Wait, does that mean I have to kill her?

Dam ADHD!!!!!!!!

When she walks by the store that we are hiding on, together, the four of us too the bucket over. The thick, red liquid splatters all over her and the sidewalk as well! Fancy pants lets out a shocked and disgusted scream! People a sissy the street turn to look at her, some snickering and others just standing there, not knowing if they should help or not.

But then everything goes wrong, the bucket slips from our grasp and in an attempt to catch it, my brother leans to far and falls off of the roof.

George's POV

Bloody freaking hell! Connor just fell off of the roof! And he's a muggle! He could get seriously injured! I peer over the roof with panic but then something amazing happens. Just before he hits the ground, Connor tucks and rolls, coming up and into a small stumble. As soon as we process the fact that he's okay, Travis also leaps down. Fred and I scale down the wall and leap down as well! Then the four of us book it, plain and simple! After a while of running, we stop in a mostly vacant street and catch our breathe. All four of us look up at each other and say "Wicked!" Then we burst out laughing. But our bad luck isn't quite over yet. Out of nowhere, a huge black dog appears, like as big as a truck! I have no idea what it is but I am panicking already. We need time, I shoot my first spell.

"Immobulus!" There. Now it won't be able to move for a few minutes and we can figure out what to do. I look over to the Stolls to see that they are staring at the monster in shock, then they turn to us.

"What was that?!" They exclaim and I look at my brother with a grimace. He nods at me and we both say.
"We'll explain everything later!" Connor and Travis simply nod and pull out something from their pockets. What the have in their hands confuses me, two small, rectangular pieces of metal. Each price has a single button in the middle and I watch as the two brothers each click on their respective button things. The metals suddenly begins to change shape and form long, bronze, glowing swords. The "buttons" are now gleaming jewels decorating the sword's handles.

"What was that?!" I ask and the two share a look of determination, I can tell that they are having a silent conversation, like Fred and I have done so many times.

"I think we should all explain everything later." Travis says and the rest of us nod.


Then, the monster unfreezes, and rushes forwards.

Fred's POV

After a few minutes of shooting spell after spell and Travis and Connor stabbing the monster continuously, it finally dies and explodes into a pile of gold dust. The four of us sit down, breathing heavily.

"We're demigods." Explains Connor, not hesitating for even a second. "Children of a god and a human, or a mortal, that's what we call them. My brother and I are the sons of Hermes, the god of thieves and travellers. We train with other demigods at camp Half-Blood."

Wow. I was not expecting that at all.

"We're wizards." Says my brother after a few moments of silence. "We practice magic, at a school for wizards. We can have two parents as wizards, which is what we are, pure bloods. You can be a half blood, one muggle, or human parent and the other a wizard. Or we can be the first wizard in a family, muggle borns."

We spend the next hour talking about our different worlds, and we have a lot in common! I'm really disappointed when we have to go, because they live in America and are going back with their friends tomorrow! But when we get back to our house and are changing into our pyjamas, I feel a lump in the pocket of my sweater. I pull out a piece of paper and ten gold coins. I call my brother over and read the note to him.

"As sons of Hermes, we're not only good at sneaking things out, but also in. Bet you didn't realize I put this in your pocket until we were long gone, ha! Anyways, the gold coins can be used to contact us! Yayyyyyy!
Just make a rainbow with your wands or something, throw a coin in and say -oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow, accept my offering. Show me Travis and Connor Stoll at camp Half-Blood.-
Then a video message should appear pand you can talk to us! I have a feeling that we will meet again someday. I feel it in my gut.

Travis and Connor, p.s I wrote everything -Travis"

I look over to my brother who is grinning at me and I grin back.

3rd person POV

And Travis was right. They do indeed meet again, and in the very near future. The wizarding world will soon depend on it.

Sorry that took so long, I had a few problems with that chapter!

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