•13• Josh

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My crush? Easy. Her name is Hazel Levesque and mine is Josh Calem. They go nice together don't they?

You see almost every guy at our school likes her, and the girls aren't jealous at all. No, they have different goals. Her boyfriend, Nico di Angelo. I mean they've never told anyone that they were dating but the only spent time with each other and Nico gets mad at which ever guys tries to get close to Hazel. I've seen her kiss him on the cheek a few times too so, yeah!

But today, I'm going to ask her out. I will just get the girls to swarm Nico and distract him. It's for the best, she's obviously not happy with him. I should just ask her I front of him but despite his size, he can easily knock anyone to the floor in one punch flat.

I don't pay attention for most of the rest of the day. I'm to anxious, if my plan works than I will be the new most popular guy in school, and the happiest! When I walk outside though, I'm met with the most shocking view of my life.

Hazel is kissing a guy! It's not Nico though, she was cheating on him! The guy was very muscular, Asian and was significantly taller than she was. Oh this is perfect! I have to go find Nico and show him, they'll break up for sure! But before I can do anything, someone taps the guy on the shoulder.

It's Nico! And when the mystery dude turns around, Nico punches him in the gut, hard. But he doesn't fall over, just groans a little and sighs. Then Nico speaks.

"If you're going to be touching Hazel, at least have the decency to do it in private." Nico says, annoyed.

What? Why isn't he mad?!

The guy nods and blushes a bit. "Yes sir." He says, embarrassed.

"Why aren't you mad?" I ask. "Your girlfriend is cheating on you!" I exclaim and he turns to me, angry and maybe a bit... Disgusted?

"She my sister you dim wit! And that's her boyfriend!"

Before anyone in the crowd can even do so much as gasp, they are already walking away and hopping in a van that reads "Delphi Strawberry Service".

And that is the story of how I didn't get Hazel Levesque.

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