chapter 44

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Back to SYDNEY’S P.O.V

Kurtis really blew off my temper, but not as bad as Jelo’s temper…

I’m gonna be a daddy!

Ini rupanya sebab kenapa Jelo’s very sensitive and emotional these days? dan mau yang bukan-bukan… like my cream instead of whipped cream… hahaha!

Dalam bilik Jelo, I pulled her into my arms… kissing her face… her forehead, her eyebrows, her eyes, nose, lips… Kurtis is a dead history in my mind now…

“ahhh… not only I’m gonna be a husband…” saya bisik, kissing Jelo’s kudou again… “I’m gonna be a daddy also soon…”

Jelo’s response… dia mengedip mata dia… blinking her eyes with a blur expression…
“ermmm, sayang…”

Dubs jantung saya… kenapa Jelo looks so… guilty?

Then she smiled weakly…

“why?” saya tanya… saya pun terlemah terus ni…
“I need to go to the doctor for medical check-up…” Jelo replied…

Saya tersenyum… of course we have to scan our baby… Jelo continued…
“I… I have to be honest…”

“okay…” I said, menunggu dengan penuh kesabaran kata-kata Jelo yang seterusnya…

“I lied…” Jelo said after a few seconds of silence…

“lied?” saya bingung ni…

Jelo menghela nafas panjang… mata dia mula membengkak sudah gara-gara menangis tadi…

“I’m not pregnant, Syd…” uh, lemah terus semangat saya… “I just said it to get Kurtis off me…”

Saya tersenyum dan mengusap pipi Jelo…
“it’s ok, sayang… we can try again…”
“tr… try again?” Jelo gugup…

Saya menaikkan satu kudou sambil tersenyum gete…
“you want to try now?”

I looked around Jelo’s room, so monotone… all white… simple, nothing so girly or feminine… macam hotel room… I smiled my naughty sexy smile…

“I want to be honest again…” uh? mati terus senyuman saya… I’m so not ready for any more issues today…

Tapi lain yang keluar dari mulut saya…
“mmm, sayang?”

“I… I…” Jelo start lagi tersingut-singut…
“sayang, why?” panic terus saya…
“nanti you kasi kawan me go to the doctor?” mata dia merayu…
“of course I will…” I hugged her tight… “I will go anywhere with you…”

Dengan confidentnya saya tersenyum… sangat confident that Jelo mau saya bersama dia to check if she’s pregnant…

“Syd…” kesedihan sangat jelas pada nada suara Jelo… “if one day I won’t be by your side again, know that I really, really love you… so much…”

Saya jadi confused ni… what is she talking about? dia mau meninggalkan saya? saya menggelengkan kepala…

“you mau kasi tinggal me?” dada saya seakan ditikam…
“death is inevitable, Syd…” she said solemnly…
“death?” saya semakin dibuat bingung…

Kenapa dia membahaskan tentang kematian?

“if I get sick and… and… m… my hair… falls…” air mata mula membasahi pipi Jelo… “will you still love me?”

“sick? hair fall?” saya mengesat air mata di pipi Jelo… then I hugged her tight, membenamkan wajah Jelo di dada saya… “sshh, sayang…”

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