chapter 59

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“make way, make way!”
“mangsa tembakan dalam accident dekat Jalan Sembulan!”
“Lelaki, 29 tahun”

Saya sedar di stretcher yang tengah diusung to the ER is my brother!


Saya dihalang oleh the medical team as I neared Chester’s limp body…

“Chest!” saya teriak lagi… is he still alive? God, let him be alive!

Chester’s wheezing… mengingatkan saya kembali saat Holland ditembak dulu…

“who did this, Chest?!” I demanded eventhough I know he can’t answer me… “who did this?!”

Saya baca balik the SMS…


Another SMS masuk from the same number…


“PUKIMAK!” saya teriak…

Just then saya nampak London berlari seperti mengejar saya… tidak kan dia pun mau merokok…?

“It’s Rash…” London bilang… DUBS jantung saya… “Nielson bombed the car…!”

Mata saya memerah… I looked at the ER door, tangan saya mengepal…
“he shot Chester…”

“what?!” London terkejut… "no!"

Memory saya kembali kepada hari Nielson datang ke hotel tempat saya menginap masa saya di KL for Kimmy’s appeal…
“stay away from my wife…”
“atau saya akan bunuh kau hidup-hidup…”

Saya menatap lekat pada mata London…
“take care of Chester, Don…” I said through gritted teeth… “I’ll take care of Rash… he actually wants me…”

London menahan bahu saya…
“Syd… wait…”

“No… we know he’s not game, Don… he’s dangerous… Kimmy is pregnant… Thania needs Holland…” saya menyentuh tangan London di atas bahu saya… "jaga Chester, Don… please… don’t let anything happen to him… make sure he survives…”

Take care of our baby brother, Don… he has so much to live for… so much to achieve in his life…

London memeluk saya… he kissed my forehead like how a big brother does…
“I’ll come after you, Syd… go kick his ass…”

Saya melangkah untuk pergi… tapi sempat lagi saya membalikkan tubuh saya sembari mengatakan…
“Don…” I felt a lump in my throat… “if I don’t return… tell mom and dad… I honoured nine out of ten of the Commandments…”

Yes, mom and dad selalu menerapkan nilai keagamaan dalam diri kami sejak kecil… and most of all I honoured the 10th … I did not covet, dad… I remembered what you taught me…

“what is the one that you fail, brother?” London menaikkan satu kudou…

“the third…” saya tersengih…

“ah… using God’s name in vain while doing what hmmm?” London terkekeh, saya tau dia teringat saya yang terikat di jendela in a wild love making with Rara… hahaha… then muka dia berubah serious… “you’ll return… alive, brother… or I shall have to break the 6th …”

The 6th Commandment... Thou shalt not kill… 

“I love you, Don…” saya mengesat air mata saya…

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