Chapter 10 - You're on my Way

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Kyrille's POV

I just did my own routine. You know, studying, being childish and of course, throwing my books in my locker.

I spotted Nity on the way. I walked towards her with a genuine smile across my face.

"Hey, how's class?" I asked happily. Nity didn't respond and a frown was on her face.

I was about to ask her if she's ok when she walked pass me like I was just a wind.

I walked to Nity and grabbed her wrist before she could run away from me. She faced my and I looked at her turquoise eyes, which held mixed emotions like anger and sadness.

"You alright?" I asked her with worry in my tone and face. Again, she didn't spoke and yanked her arm away from me like she's trying to say 'Get off me!' or maybe 'Don't you dare touch me!'.

Like what I am thinking, she ran away from me and I swear that I heard her muttered something. Did I just saw a tear running down her cheek?

My tears escaped my eyes and whispere, "Nity, why are you so c-cold to me? I thought that best friends should never be cold like ice to each other? You pr-promised that to me." I wiped my tears and wore my frown face.

Serenity's POV

I ran and ran away from Al---I mean, Kyrille. Yeah. You heard me right. I called her Kyrille because of that bastard! Urgh! I hate him so much that I want to kill him to death!

I heaved a sigh. I miss my best friend already.

"Did you ignore her?" I was surprised when I saw him standing infront of me with his warning tone. "Uhh. Y-yes." I said shaking. I caught him used his evil smirk.

"Good." He smirked and daydreamed. "One day, everyone in Daybreak High will ignore her!" He laughed evilly and walked away.

I heaved another sigh. Why do we need to be involved in this kind of situation?

I walked with my mind pre-occupied and my feet dragged me to the garden of the school.

I sat down on the grass and hugged my knees while resting my chin on it.

I just can't move-on on the scene he made earlier this morning.


I was standing infront of my locker, stuffing my books inside when someone tapped my shoulders.

I turned around to face the person who tapped my shoulder and I smiled at him happily.

"Oh, hi there!" I greeted him happily and waved hello. I locked my locker and faced him.

"Serene, can we talk *gulp* uhh...alone?" He asked a little bit serious and 70% of his tone was nervous. I nodded as my answer.

"Thank you." He said, still serious, and pulled me to the...janitor's room?

"Uhh. Why are we here again? Its kinda creepy." I whispered since he made a 'be quiet' sign.

Before I could knew it, he pinned me on the locked door and looked at my eyes full of anger.

"STAY AWAY FROM HER!" he yelled. I just stood there, shocked from what he yelled.

Who 'her'?

"W-who again exactly?" I said shaking. Now, I'm really scared.

He laughed evilly but went back on being serious. "Oh you know who I'm talking about." He smirked. Oh, so its Smirk Day today? Psh.

His grip tightened. His cold glare and tight grip combined made me wince and quiver with fear.

"A-ali?" I croaked, my bottom lip is now trembling.

"Yes! You're on my way and you're blocking the way on making my move! So now, if you tell her or anyone else about our tinnie tiny secret, it curtains for you." He threatened.

I nodded, as if I have something to do to protect myself? His grip on my arms relaxed.

It's time for my move. I yanked my arm away from him and pushed him. Before he could chase me, I immediately ran out of the janitor's room while my tears keep on falling.

'"I have my eyes on you, Flitz." He smirked once more and just stood infront of the janitor's room, watching me run away from him.

Why would he even make the both of us suffer?

*End of flashback*

I was still crying. My turquoise eyes started to become red and puffy.

Why does he want everyone to ignore Kyrille? On the million of people living on earth, why Kyrille? She doesn't deserve this kind of life. Like, she is an amazing and caring person!

I stood up and covered my bloodshot eyes with my handkerchief, leaving a small hole I can peek through. I ran as fast as I can away from the garden and crowded hallway. I felt that the students I passed by was staring at me.

??? POV

I watched Serene as she run away from the hallway. She glanced at me for a second as I covered my face with the hood I'm wearing.

Her eyebrows met and her attention went back on running.


I was walking through the empty halls  when I heard small whimpers from a girl in the janitor's room.

I quietly walked to the janitor's room. The door is locked but there's no doorknob.

I peeked through and saw Serene with fear dancing on her face while 'him' has anger and mixed up emotions on his face.

"STAY AWAY FROM HER!" he yelled. I glanced at Serene who wants to push him and run away.

Why is he doing this?

I quickly stepped backward from the janitor's room door and walked a little fast to the main gate of Daybreak High.

*End of Flashback*

I really just can't forget about that scene! I have this strong feeling that I have to guard Serene until the 'stay away from her' thingy is over.


Pink: Who do you think ??? POV is? Comment peeps! ;)

Shout outs!

@BeaGabriel8 my beautiful *thumbs up* classmate who reads and votes my story. Thank you ganda ;)

@puglovingturtle my other classmate for again reading my story and a NateLyn shipper ^_^ PS. I call her taba (fat) because she calls me payat (thin). Vote now taba >_<!!


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