Chapter 19 - Practice

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Kyrille's POV

"Feel at home everyone." Nate said as he called their maids for snacks. Even if I want to run all over their mansion and scream 'I am crazy and cute and I know it!', still, I have manners, kay? My parents taught me how to be nice and to have manners when I am at someone's place ^^ Since I declined what I was about thinking, I decided to explore and examine Nate's mansion. Its gigantic like ours but the atmosphere is a little lonely. I think Nate and their maids are the people who live here alone. *insert scary music* (LOL)

"Lets go to the entertainment room?" Nate asked. I looked at his back and saw 2 maids carrying a tray each with different types of food like cheeseburger, brownies, ice cream, fries, sushi and OMO. My eyes shined like the morning star. ☆★☆ Sweet and sour chicken marinated in butter! *drools* Kyrille's favorite ↖(^▽^)↗*dances crazily* But of course, I didn't danced like an idiot infront of them, I just wiggled my fingers like a worm.

The five of us entered the room. The room is big too. But there's only a few stuff placed in here like a big flat screen TV, couches, video games, books, framed pictures etc. The maids placed the trays on the center table and bowed down to Nate. Nate just nodded coolly and the maids left the room. Cool *o*

"Again, feel at home." As Nate said does words, I immediately rolled down the floor screaming 'Crazy Kyrille!' while punching the air. What? I didn't got the chance earlier. I sat down, realized that the two boys are staring at me, and scratched the back of my head and made a peace sign. "Hihi. Sorry. I really do that kind of stuff at home. Meh."

Nate's POV

Kylie looks cute when she rolled down the floor while screaming as she's punching the air. She looks like an idiot. No offense! *puts both hands up* She's just really cute. I want to pinch her cheeks and twist it HARD. Wait what?! Erase...erase... I shouldn't fall for Kylie.

I shook my head no and stared at Kylie, busy eating the brownies while staring at the picture of me and my uhh...nevermind.

"Get your butts off the sofa and start our practice!" I yelled and Kylie finished eating her brownies while Nick stopped what he is doing then immediately walked infront of me with they scripts on their hands.

"Action!" I yelled again and clapped my hands once, like a director xD

Kyrille's POV

"Action!" Nate yelled and clapped his hands once. Me and Nick positioned at the center of the room and faced each other. I faked a cough and bowed down at my script.

I read the first line written on my script and heaved a sigh. I glanced at Nate who sat down on a beanbag near us.

I recited my script while doing some actions to match what I am saying and waited for Nick to answer. He's good in acting, too.

Nate's POV

In the middle of reciting their scripts, I felt my phone buzzed. I took out my phone from my pocket and saw *** calling. Wonder what her problem is. I didn't bother to say 'excuse me' and just stood up then started to walk to the corner of the room.

I didn't knew that it was time for Kylie to approach Nick. As an effect of what I did, Kylie bumped to me and landed on top of me, few inches before we kiss each other.

Our forehead met but we didn't kissed. I opened my eyes and stared at Kylie's golden orbs. I gulped. No Nate. Don't. Kiss. Kylie. DON'T. A big fat DON'T Nathaniel Clyde Oak!

I saw Kylie slowly closed her eyes and I don't know why I did the same. My eyes have its own brain now =_=

I'm taking two choices today, to kiss her or not. I've decided---I mean my BRAIN decided already. My face slowly approach her's, and now, my face has its own brain too! Oh yeah, my brain commanded to my face to approach Kylie's. Say what?! My brain wants me to kiss Kylie?

Brain: Yup.

Oh shut up! Lets clap for my damn it brain! Clap clap clap! and..and..and..THE END. Kidding. and..and.. because of my brain we---



Pink: Did Kyrille and Nate kissed? Who do you think is on the picture? Nate with? Comment peeps! Who is the person calling Nate? Triple question~

Let's find out in the next chapter *pointed at the right* ⇨→

Before I forget, SHOUT OUTS!!

@BTSAegyoPrincess, my classmate, which I consider as my bestfriend including the Lolola Members, Treisha (Jisha), Tyra (Kookie/Peps/Pepsi Cola) and Kenji (Boom boom/Kenjoe) Thank you for voting my story and NOT reading it -.- You really don't like English stories.

Toodles~ Sorry for the late update. Been busy at school, homeworks, quizzes and projects :/ Its also our periodical/quarter test. But its done ^^ Wish I'll have a high score •﹏•

Hey at least I've updated and made the chapters longer ^^


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