Chapter 53 ( Mia ) ( Poker Face)

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I can't believe that Max had the nerve to say those things last night . He has called me repeatedly  and texted I am not ready to talk to him . This the man I love and he thinks I could do that be with Pier and Dexter . My feelings are hurt maybe we are not as strong as I thought we were . I call Liv trying to talk her into going with me to Chuck Underminer 's party . But she has a family thing and Kylie is actually seeing my brother for the weekend . I am so glad I was wrong about them . That leaves one person and I know  I will have to talk him into it but Dexter will do it .

After convincing my sweet friend to go and arriving at the party I am really tired of Dexter lecturing me . He has went on about not drinking that much to I shouldn't be here without Max . I decided not to tell Dexter about Max's accusation .I just don't know how he will take it , I already don't think they like each other . But it would probably hurt Dexter feelings . As soon as we get in there I am off to the kitchen and grab a drink .

" You agreed you would go slow ." Dexter says as he walks into the kitchen

I hand him a cup and say

" I am just starting and I will be under control."

A hour and 4 cups later I am feeling my drink but also feeling sad over how Max treated me . And on top of all that I am bored .

" Let's find something fun to do ." I suggest

" I have a ideal let's leave " Dexter says

I laugh and get and walk threw the house .

" You said you would go slow and you are not ." Dexter complains

" Lighten up ." I yell and finish my drink . I walk back into the kitchen only long enough to get a new drink when I walk into the hallway I see Marco we are face to face .

" Marco " I whisper

" Hey Mia " he says with his eyes looking me up and down .

" It been a while come and  sit with my and some friends ." He says

I know this guy can be a jerk but he is right it has been a while maybe he has changed .

Dexter pulls me the arm and whispers

" You know you don't like Marco ."

Marco walks up and high fives Dexter And says

" Man I thought you said you wasn't coming tonight ."

Dexter and Marco been friends and since I been friends with Dexter we been  good at navigating around him with them still being friends I just didn't want to be around Marco . But tonight I don't t know he ain't going to bother me I still know about all he did to my brother the whole Nina situation and blaming it all on Max . But I just want to drink and have fun and this party is boreing  it maybe Marco friends can make it better .

" Come sit with us " Marco yells and waves as he walks into the den .

Dexter whispers into my ear

" I don't think this a good I deal ."

I roll my eyes and walk behind Marco anyway.

In this little room there is a sofa where I sit and Dexter sits down beside me . There is also a table with guys playing cards and there is a few girls who is standing and Marco is standing and talking to them .

Marco is playing on his phone . And I again am getting bored , so I say

" Well I am bored so I am going to find something to do out front ." It comes out a lot louder than I thought it would . I see Marco head snap toward me and then he says

" Hey everyone let's play strip poker . "

All the guys cheer except for Dexter of course , Who is playing with his phone .

" How about it Mia ." Marco asks

Strip poker I don't think that could end well .

" I will pass " I say I go to walk out and I am faced with Max .

I am shocked to see him I just figured he wouldn't be here because he wasn't all night .

" Thank God "  Dexter yells

I look at him wondering what he is meaning .

" I got here as quickly as I could ." Max declares

" You called him ." I say and I get really mad at Dexter he should not have done that .

" I am just glad you are here she was about to do some stupid stuff she was going to play strip poker " Dexters says to Max and completely ignores my question about him calling him .

" What Mia strip poker really ."  Max says and there a hurt look on his face

I was not planing on playing the game I don't want the immature jerks looking druling over me .

" You was going to play strip poker with these these baboons ." Max yells

" Why not I mean I am sure I will just sleep with one later anyway " I say slyly

I see Max's face change color I can tell he is mad . He pulls my arm .

" Let go of me ." I scream

" Mia there is a spot of you want to play ." Marco yells

" Thank you I will ." I say and sit down

Max kneels down by my seat and says

" Please let's just go some where and talk ."

At this point he is giving me puppy dog eyes but I just look straight ahead and ignore him .

" Mia you don't want to do this . Come on let's leave ." He begs

I was not planning  on playing this stupid game but Max telling me what I couldn't do made me mad . And I am sitting here so I feel like I have to I guess as long as I leave my Bra and panties on it is like I am wearing a bikini.

I turn toward Max and look him in his blue eyes and say

" I am not going to show anything I wouldn't if I had a bikini on ."

" It is just the thought of it trust me it will seem like more they will try to see more " he says and points to the boys looking at the cards .

" listen I am leaving on my bra and panties just so we are clear ." I yell

Some of the girls laugh and the boys just look until Marco says

" That is cool I am sure they are a hot pair ." And then the rest of the boys chime in saying yeah they are such followers.

The 1 st game some guy loses his shirt then a girl .

About 10 mins later both of my shoes are off and one sock when I lose this hand Marco says

" You have to do something a little more interesting ." I know what he is meaning

I laugh and say " I have pretty toes

I reach down to take off my sock and I tilt over a bit wow I am drunk .

The next thing I know Max is pulling my sock off . Our hands meet we look in each other's eyes . I know he is what I want but he started all of this . If he really thinks I could sleep around that easy then he don't know me and maybe all of this is a lie .

Next hand I naturally lose . " More interesting " Marco says with eye brows up

" You don't have to do this ." Max whispers

I look at him and wonder does he realize what his accusation done how it made me feel . I then stand full of confidence and anger I take off my shirt and the whole table woos I throw my shirt at Marco which I should t have I don't want to lead that a** hole on .

" Mia " Max screams and then he picks me up over his shoulder . I am kicking and screaming " Put me down."

Did he just save me .? Did he do it to protect me ? Or for his own selfish reasons .

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