Chapter 41 (Max) ( Fixed It)

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I watch as she sleeps , I didn't get any sleep yet just holding her made it the peaceful night I had in a long time . But I have come up with a plan and I think it will work , I just need the scum bucket out of our school . My alarm rings waking Mia up .

" Sorry I have something I have to do ." I say

Mia sits up slowly and rubs her eyes . She looks perfect too perfect for the first thing in the morning.

" Oh I been here all night my mom will kill me "she says with panic

" I texted her from your phone that Bethany needed you to stay with her and the baby . " I say and hand her phone

" Thank you " she says

" I will drive you home . " I demand

The drive to her house it quite . I don" t want to upset her so I just stay quiet . When we are a block away from her house I glance over at her and see she is trying to tie a knot with the broken strap of her dress .

" If you need anything just call me ok " I tell her

She looks at me confused . But I am confused my own self .

" Max thank you so much you was really there for me even after everything ." She says

" It was no big deal ." I answer her

" You know everyone see you as this bad boy , but I just see your big heart ." She says

Her words melt my big heart .

" You do think I am good don't you ." I half say half ask

" I always have ." She says and gets out I watch her walk in .

She think I am good maybe I can be . Maybe she sees my big heart because with her I am different and I always showed her that softer side . But she said she always thought I was good and she told me that before . I really think I can be .

I am at a park sitting in my fathers truck waiting to see Mr Mathis . I see him sit on the bench I had texted him too . I used Mia phone . So he thinks she is the one meeting him . And while I had her phone I blocked his number where he can't bother her .

" Mr. Mathis is that you ?" I ask in a fake surprised voice

" Max " he says in a real surprised voice

" Happy New year ." He says and pulls out his phone no doubt to text Mia but he won't be able to reach her .

He gets up to leave .

" See you in school ." He says

I stop him by putting my arm on his shoulder and pushing him .

" How does it feel to be bullied ." I scream

We are in public but we are in a small park on New Year's so no one is here .

" Max " he says threw girded teeth

" You are a piece of shit , to hurt someone like Mia she is pure innocent and you are a creep who been after her this whole time ." I shout

" I love her Max " he says calmly

" Well she don't love you " I spit

" She could one day ." He claims

He is getting me mad . I grab him by the neck of his shirt and say

" Listen this is how it will go , you will quit your job at the school and leave town and never speak to Mia again ." I shout

He laughs and shakes his head ,and says

" Now why would I do that ." He says

" Cause if you don't we will go to the principal and get you fired , and Mia will sue you and I did my homework , your father gave you one more shot , that why you took this job in the first place . If you are dragged in court you will be making him really upset , especially since my uncle Walter Vanderbilt is a lawyer you might have heard of a few case he took on about women rights he even got a few of them the men's who harrsed them business.Now that wouldn't be very good would it ." I say

He is now as white as a sheet . I can tell he is thinking.

" You really think you can take my business away when there no proof ." He asks

" No I know we can , see I took Mia to the hospital they have seen the bruises and they took a dna test of skin that was under her fingernails , but she told them she was not pressing charges." I say

This asshole looks like he is about to pass out .

" It don't matter this will not bother us but you could lose everything ." I say

" Ok I will quitely go back home , I didn't mean to hurt her I just wanted her to see how good we could be ." He says and walks away with his head hanging low .

I am grateful because I know I have fixed it for Mia !!!!

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