Chapter 19 ( Mia) ( Revenge Of The Shorts )

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I got up a hour earlier than I usally do . My make up and hair is done to perfection . I get dressed I put on my shirt and stare at the shorts before I put them on . I remember how Max acted I know this is the way to get to him . It might be low but I know it will work . I feel every day that passes we get further away .So I have to try and I am going to do so today . I put on these short shorts and look in the mirror and get butterflies from the thought of him seeing me in these shorts .

I feel eyes on me maybe it is my imagination but I am pretty sure people is looking . Liv walks up she looks at me and makes a wired face and says

" It a little cold for shorts don't you think " Liv comments

In all honesty it is cold outside and it is October but I have wore shorts in October before but not to get a guy's attention .

" Yea it is but I will be fine " I say and laugh

Max is at his locker putting his books away .

" I have to go and ask Max something." I say and walk away

I don't know what Liv said I really blocked her out because I am going over my mind what to say to Max When I get to him I take a breathe then say

" Max I can talk to you for a second ."

He turns around him his eyes gets big as two quarters he looks me up and down and takes a deep breathe before he says

" What ttt" and he says it with a stutter letting me know I am affected on him .

" Well I wanted to apologize I been thinking I was a little drunk and just I am sorry ." I say and hope it was ok because it was all I could think of .

" It is cool " he says and looks really cool saying it

" ok then" I say and feel hurt .

" I am trying to decide if I should hook up with Nathan like you said ."I tell him in hopes to get to him .

His face is blood red , he clenched his fist .

" I think he got to back together with his ex . He says

" Oh " I say but wondering did Max make it up .

" We have to stay away from each other " he says and walk away

I am standing there feeling low . Thoughts running threw my mind maybe he don't want me . I am hurt but I am still here and I am dressed like this , I will just walk past him and see what happens .

The bell rings right as I walk in , all eyes turn to me , but the only ones I look at is Max's . He looks but turns away quick . That causing me to want to get sick but I go on .

I walk past him I feel his eyes on me but when I look out of the Conner of my eye he is looking at a paper on his desk . As I go to get to my desk I feel someone grab my butt . I yell out of surprise it some guy not sure his name maybe Doug or Douglas .

Before I know what is going on Max is up and had the boy in the air by his neck . I scream the whole class is say ohs and Ahhs The teacher demands Max let's him go .

" How did this happen my head was turned for three seconds . " Mrs Corneille says

The boy yells

" She was practically begging me to grab her ass "

" I was not " I scream

Max gets up in the boys face and says

" She didn't even look at you in no way is it right for you to touch her anywhere ."

He backs back up I scoot closer to him and touch his arm . And then I whisper

" Thank you "

" Mia you shouldn't wear shorts like that if you don't want some horny boy to grab your ass . It is just pathetic " he says and scoots away

I feel I may cry right here in front of everyone .

" Ok all three in hallway the principal is in a meeting I will come and get you when he is back but I don't want you in my class for another minute . " The teacher says

We walk out Max stands by lockers and I just stand I feel so bad and the is nothin I thought it would go . Doug stands next to me .

" Get the F**k away from her . " Max yells

The boy walks down a bit and sits .

" You could at least say you are sorry" I say to the grabby boy

He just ignores me . He is jerk who does something like that .

I walk toward Max , who is standing with his hands in his pockets . He looks so handsome .

" Max I hate that you got in trouble ." I say

" Was you trying to get attention or what ?" Max asks with attitude

" The last time I checked it is ok to wear shorts I should not be degraded over it at I seem to recall you use to like them . " I say and it come out louder than I meant it too .

" Mia get away from me I don't know how else to say it ok let the past go ." Max screams

I try to hold back my tears . I start to turn around as I do and this band geek walks by carrying a big horn and bumps into me causing me to back up and bump into Max . !!!!!!!

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