Chapter 10 ( Pier)( Like Max Rogan )

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After baseball practice I get my phone from the locker room and see have 2 miss calls from Mia . Usually she be watching the Scene Steelers at this time . I Dial her back and hear her cheery voice . After we talk for a few mins I ask her

" Why are you not watching the scene stealers ."

" I really haven't since you know , Max and I broke up . " she answers

That shouldn't have nothing to do with it . She still came to practice after we Brooke up , but I guess she wanted to see Max play . Either that or their break up is badder than I thought .

" Are you ok , I mean was the break up really bad . " I ask her but I feel like I am grilling her

" You know every break up is hard on some level , I am going to be honest with you , I don't want to go around him because I am trying to get over him ." She answers the questions I know wish I had not asked .

It was hard to hear , but it is what it is . I know she not in love with me I am not holding out hope for that . But Max he never wanted her like I did and that is what hurts . But if I am going be her friend I need to be there for her .

So I stay on the phone with her for about 20 mins saying uplifting things .

When I get home a girl I met at a party is in my place . Why do these women think they can just bardge in .

" Sorry door was unlocked " she says

" I just thought we could you know before I leave to go to Arkansas to collage " she adds

I can't stop the smile on my face as I walk over to kiss her . I have no feelings for this girl , I am attracted of course , I am about to sleep with her so I am attracted , but no real feelings . Wow I am like Max Rogan . But hey girls love Max Rogan .!!!!!!!!!

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