Chapter 26 (Pier) ( Batman & Alice )

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I can't believe my hears . I am in utter shock . Mia's lips are parted her face sad and tears start to roll. Max rubs the back of his neck and I can tell he is trying to think of something to say .

" Man " Max finally come out with .

" You were seeing each other while we was together ." I ask the both of them

" We was not seeing each other but things did happen we was not intentionally going behind your back ." Mia says

" Things How many Times Mia ?" I ask her

She is shake and she looks at me blankly

" Pier please it was we didn't mean to hurt you ." Max claims

" Yeah right " I scream

I feel like a dummy I knew he liked her , I put it off because she is so easy to like and he is Max Rogan he would never be anything more than player . But their friendship was always there I knew that was strange . I didn't want to believe it my friend and my girlfriend .

" Pier let me expo everything ." Max pleads

" Yea I want you to I want you to explain how you could after years of friendship and knowing how I felt about her you could do that you could have any girl you wanted ." I yell

" I am so sorry it was not just him ." Mia says

And her words hurt me all over again . She is crying and I feel like I am about to . I was betrayed by people who I cared so much about .

" Mia leave give us a few minutes . " Max says calmly

" I am in this too ." She answers him

He lets out a sigh and I see that there is something between them I thought it was but I blocked it out but I see it now . I walk over to Mia , I see she is hurting , I don't know why she did it but she did . but I know she is the same sweet Mia .

" Please just go . I beg I can't think straight with her crying .

" Ok but Please know I did care for you iii just can't explain why Ii " she says with a stutter and a hevve

" Just Go " I scream and she high tails out of there .

I look at Max hoping to get answers not that anything makes it right what he did .

" I am sorry I was a bad friend but I just didn't do it for fun I really liked her ." Max claims

" No I get it Mia Drays goody too shoes untouchable she was a challenge and the fact that she is was with me made it even more appealing to you ." I say with a fake laugh after

" It was not like that at all " he yells

" Yea sure " I say

" No Pier I am in love with her ." He says and that look in his eye makes me think he is telling the truth .

I never thought I would see the day when Max Rogan would be in love . This don't seem right . I sit down on appears to be a small stage . I can't believe they would have done this to me and that Max loved her . I feel like I know nothing .

" We didn't set out to hurt you it just happened , ok at first we hung out a few times but I never tried nothing because she is Mia Drays and she was and is too good for me , but somehow I had feelings for her like I never had with anyone . And then you and her started getting serious and she like you man she did she had told me before and I saw it and I didn t want to disrespect that , but one night The night of my thanksgiving party I found out my parents were divorceing and I was sad she consoled me and one thing lead to another I made the 1 st move then she stopped because she felt so guilty . I was too but I already had it bad for her and I was wrestling with my feelings for ." He says

" The night of your thanksgiving party ." I say and it comes out more like a question

I remember that night we was together most of the night . I never dreamed that was going on .

"Did you have sex?" I ask

" No we only made out while y'all was together . " he answers

" We always stopped mostly she stopped it " he adds

" So like every night since Thanksgiving until we broke up ?"

" No Man it was only a few times but it was never planned like some how we would be alone not planned it would just be that way and then before we knew it . I never went to her to hook up we just did and we would both feel so bad we didn't want to hurt you " he claims

It hurts knowing this but it does feel a little better knowing they was not planing the whole thing .

That why she call you and not me the night of the incident?" I ask knowing it has to be

" I guess " he says and puts his hands in his pocket .

" I just want you to know she was not just another Girl I love her I still shouldn't have but " he says but I cut him off

" Why are you not together you love her and she seems to feel something for you so why are y'all apart .? " I ask

" Because I thought I got Vicky pregnant and I was overwhelmed thinking it could have went that way and how much that would have hurted Mia I don't know I could mess up again and hurt her even badder and she deserves better than that . " Max says and his eyes wonder off

I feel a little bad because I did bring Vicky back into his life .

" I was being selfish, and now I am thinking of her and her well being in the long run " he says

" Man it hurts to see her and not be able to be with her ." He says and I can tell it is real he didn't mean to say it I guess it was I thought that came out .

" This is not about me , I am sorry and she is too just forgive us please I was consumed by my feelings and they are feeling I never ever had not nothing close to it so I didn't know how to handle it . " he says

" I understand " I simply say and I see hope flash in his eyes

" I just need some time " I say and walk out

I walk into the hallway not knowing where I am going when all of a sudden someone knocks into me . When I look up I see some blonde hair flowing it is Liv .

" I am so sorry PIER " she says and reached her hand to help

" Seems like every one is tonight " I say under my breathe

" What " she asks

I change the subject by telling her she looks beautiful . And she gives me a smile , I never notice how straight her teeth are , I knew she was pretty but tonight in that outfit she really looks like something else . We end up walking around and laughing . Every thing she says and does is cute she was the distraction I needed from this drama I was not expecting .

I think I like Liv I mean she is really cute and I Really just want to have fun , so after she tells the story about her little brother finding her bra and hiding it in the microwave. I just pull her close I do not ask I feel if she don't want to she will stop me . I kiss her and she don't stop me . We end up making out for a long time . !!!!

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