Untitled Part 2 ( Max) ( Did It For Her )

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I see Mia walking toward me . I don't know what I will say but I have to say something if she walks over but I have to be blunt we can't be together not no more . I see this boy stop and talk to Mia I can't help but try to figure out who he is . I take a closer look it is Dexter Emerson . I didn't know they was friends .Oh they maybe dating .Just at the thoughts make me want to throw up . I quickly put my books up but not quick enough .

" Max " I hear her say

I turn around I try not to stare at her but it is difficult she has on a tight fitting dress .

" Hey Drays " I casually say

" Drays ?" She questions like I hurt her .

" How have you been ? I ask

" How have I been " she laughs

I just look at her sweet face with her bright Eyes blazing mine .

" I called you a lot ." She says with attitude

" I got a new phone " I say which is not a lie , my father took the other one off me I went all summer without a phone and then he bought me the one I have now was just a few days ago .

" I should get going it being 1 st day and all " I say and begin to walk away

" Wait that is it you don't want to talk to me ." She says and I can tell she is searching for answers and I can't let her find the truth .

" There nothing to say we are broken up we was never friends before so we shouldn't be now ." I say harshly

" Well we kind of was like before you know under the bleachers and then when I was dating Pier ." She answers

I hate to go there but I can tell she ain't giving up so I have to play hard .

" Yes Mia it was a game to see if I could get you off Pier and I did ." I state

She looks like a kindergarten child who wants her mommy and I want nothing more than to hug her and help her find her mom , but I can't do that . She stands there with a sad expression and I turn away like the asshole I am . I hate I did that but It was for her .

In the bathroom I want to scream , but I try to calm myself down . I can't get back with her it would only hurt her . Maybe not at 1 st but in the long run it would mess her up . All summer my father got me books about boys who do that to girls and the girls all suffer so many problems. I have to stay strong I have to not give in . I have to do it For Her .

I walk to the class room and I hope she ain't in my class . As I walk in I see her and the only empty seat is one behind and across from her . I guess it could be worst I could be right beside her . I just know she would see me looking at her everyday . Or I could be behind her smelling her hair every time she flips it . So I guess this seat will be fine . She looks at me as I sit down but she turns her head quickly .

I hear girls around me gossiping . I usually don't pay no attention , but Mia heard them to and asks them .

" did I hear you right , Kevin switch schools ?"

" oh yes " the girls say like they know something

" Did you hear why " Mia asks

" Never heard ." They reply

Mia turns and looks at me . I hope she don't realize what I did . How could she ? She can never know . I did it I made it happen . I did it for her . !!!!!

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