Chapter 8 (Mia) ( Out of Gas )

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I take another gulp of my beer , I just want the stings of the words that Max said to me to go away .

" Time to go ." Dexter demands

" No You ain't the boss of me ." I reply I know he is only trying to help but but I don't want to leave .

"You know I have that molding gig in the morning ." He says

" So I don't ." I answer him back

He runs his fingers threw his brown hair . And let's out a breathe.

" Liv done went home ."he says

" So " I say

" You don't seem drunk how many drinks have you had ?" He asks

" This is my second ." I lie

It really is my 4thand I may have more but he don't need to know that .

" I guess I can ask somebody if you can ride home with them it is the 1 st party of the year ." He says and walks off

I tell " Thank you and laugh . A few minutes later he walks back over and says

" Nathan will take you home ." He states

My heart races .

" It is only him and Jim knight ." Dexter says and my heart and mind Relaxes .I would hate if Max was with him . Of course Max would probably hate it more . Max and Nathan is on the baseball team so the thought of them being here together was not far fetch either way I am happy they are not .

After a hour of dancing and kind of making a new friend with a freshman named Solan who I know is only speaking to me because I am a senior but I don't care , Nathan walks over and asks me

" Are you ready to go ? "

" Yea sure ." I say I pretty much well sober up anyways .

As we reach Nathan's car Max is leaning on it . I stop in my tracks .

" No Jim was suppose to ride with you not Max ." I stutter

" Jim hooked up with some girl and left , Max needs a ride , it really shouldn't be a problem ." Nathan says

As we walk up anxiety is rushing threw me . I don't want Max to think I am here because I want to be around him .

" She is the girl you have to give a ride to " Max shouts

" Yes Dexter asked me to , it is not no big deal . " Nathan says and raisin his hand like telling Max to calm down .

" Its not my choice trust me , I don't want to be in the same vehicle with you ." I shout

" Then don't I am sure there is some sober chick you can hitch a ride with . " he yells and moves his hands in the air

" I will just call a Uber Thank though Nathan ." I say very calmly

" No we can't let a girl go alone in a Uber ." Max say even more calmly

" Then you call a Uber ." I say

Max looks at Nathan and back at me like he is weighing his options.

" No my account is messed up now " he stutters

" Whatever can we just leave wow y'all date for a short while now it is over maybe you liked each other but it was not love . You can be in a car together its not the end of the world ." Nathan yells and me and Max just look at each other I am embarrassed I think Max is too .

We go to get in Nathan's car but there is no back seat . I stop because I didn't realize that .

" Mia y'all can sit in same seat or you try the console . I get in and try to sit on the console but it is the littlest console ever . I am toward Max as he gets in his eyes go straight to my chest . I turn the other way . Nathan looks down and says .

" Wow " as he looks at my chest too .
All girls had to wear Bikini tops to this bonfire .

I try to adjust myself where I am on the middle and not faceing either boy .

Max say " drive the car man " in a rude way

I believe Max is jealous . He is looking out the window his hands is in his lap and he is fidgeting . So I decide to have a little fun with it . After all he don't want me . I lean up with my arm stretch out to the dash leaning toward Nathan knowing right where his eyes will go .

" So Nathan can you believe this is my 1 st time in your car . " I say

Nathan just looks at me and finally say " umm unhu"

I giggle
     " You could be in it more if ya want " he stutters
" Keep your eyes on the road Nathan " Max warns

Max pulls me back into his lap , I Yelp out of surprise his hand stays on my arm for a moment . Then he moves it . The breathe has been knocked out me .

" You don't want him to hit something do you ?" Max asks with rudeness

" Sorry Man " Nathan answers Max

Then car makes a noise . Then another loud thud .

" What is that ?" Max asks

" Oh no I forgot to get gas " he says and pulls off the exit .

We can see a gas station from the exit it is not too far .

" I will go get some gas and bring it back ." Max says

" No y'all been drinking and the laws hang out there all the time I will go just y'all don't kill each other while I am gone ." Nathan says

Nathan is right we been fighting . But when he pulled me I felt like putty in his hands . I don't want to be that girl .

" I need to stretch"I say and get out of the car . I stretch and he watches.

" Are you doing that on purpose?" He asks

" What " I ask back

" Stretching in front of me your boobs you know trying to get attention " He says

" I was not trying to get attention " I say and I wasn't at 1 st then I was .

" I can't help I am in a Bikini top , just what every girls wear to the bon fire ." I add

" ok " he says then we both stay quite for a few mins .

" Dexter and you seem close . " Max comments

" Yea we became friends over the summer he is cool well cool sort of , he is really a great guy ." I answer

" It don't bother you that he is close to Marco ." Max asks with his eye brows raised .

" Nope he is nothing like Marco they are friends but they are nothing alike . " I say

I walk closer with my arms cross . Max seems to be nervous , I don't know why .

" There is Nathan " Max says and moves quickly . It is almost like he is scared of me .

When Nathan returns , the boys fill up the car and then get in . I don't know what to do until Max says

" Mia just sit on my lap ."

I do but feel awkward and embarrassed and just upset the whole ride home .

I thank Nathan for the ride and walk to my house .

" Hey wait " Max says and runs up to me .

" I am sorry I shouldn't have pulled you back if you want to flirt with Nathan or let him see a glance of your cleavage that is your business I really just didn't want to hit anything . I don't want you to think that I care I mean if you want to be with Nathan I can put in a good word for you ." He says

I can't believe what I am hearing .

Is he trying to hurt me ?

Or does he just really don't care.

" I don't need to put in a word for me but thanks for the offer ." I say and walk away. And when I get inside my eyes cry like a river !!!!!!!!!

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