Chapter 4 ( Mia) (New Friend )

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The door closes behind me and makes a chime noise . I walk toward Dexter . Me and Dexter became friends over the summer , I had got a opportunity to design for a shop which is like over the top and a Dexter was actually a model. We quickly became friends . It is truly unlikely since one of Dexter best friends is Marco Lorax . But Dexter is sweet and fun and he has listen to my situation and we have a really strong friendship .

" I order you the chili dog ." He says with a big smile then he runs his fingers threw his golden brown hair .

" You know me so well " I say and eat a fry .

" How was it ? He asks

I know what he means but I don't want to talk about him . He clearly wants nothing to do with me . I have talked to Dexter about Max numerous time but now I know for sure he dose not want me . I guess part of me thought when He came back we would get back together .

" How was the photo shoot yesterday . I change the subject .

" Good , but changing the subject won't stop me from asking again . " he says and takes a drink from his cup .

" It was hard and embarrassing and just all around terrible ." I say

" How so ?" He asks

" How so how so " I yell

" He don't want me no more ." I add then begin to cry

" Hey if he don't want you then he is crazy ." Dexter says I know he is only saying that because he is trying to cheer me up

" I should have known it all along " I say

" If he played you it's because he is good at that , it how he is you know you can't feel down on yourself and like I said if he don't want you then his lost ." He says with his green eyes shining .

Do you think he was playing me ?" I ask

He rub his chin and he looks like he is thinking .

" Knowing Max Rogan I say yes " My heart sinks at his words

" But seeing him with you last year I don't think he can fake that ." He adds

"So basically you know no more than me ." I say in attempt to lighten the mood

" Pretty Much " He answers and takes a bite of his sandwich.

I take another fry off of his plate . He just laughs . I love that I am comfortable around him I really never knew Dexter before I knew I seen him before but I didn't even know his name I am glad I have found a new friend in him .!!!!!!!!

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