Chaptet 70 ( Pier) the catch up

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5 Years Later

I am looking at the door  , waiting on Mia to walk in .
I am nervous I have not seen her in person in a very long time .

         " Hey " she greets me
With a big smile
I jump up and she hugs me

         " Congratulations I know I said it on the phone and on social media but it is better in person " she says with a little laugh

       She looks beautiful  she is the same girl that stole my heart all those years ago .
But now things have changed , I am in love with Brenda

But Mia Drays has helped me become who I am.

I love her but not how I love Brenda .

How I felt about Mia was puppy love a little more than a crush .
But with Brenda it is so different.
I feel for her like right after we started dating .

We been together for 5 years and now we are getting married .

" so I can't wait to meet Brenda , I mean I seen Her pics on social media and she is beautiful but I want to meet her in person I want to have a conversation with her , I know she must be great if you love her ) she says

" she is and I do love her " I tell her

" I am so happy to see you like this " she says and I can tell she means it

We have not seen each other in awhile only on holidays really , she lives here still she is a fashion designer she went to school in New York but she graduated and move back home and opened up a head quarters to her company called Mia 's fashion.
She also has big store in New York , Los Angeles , chicago . Miami and is opening one in Paris next year , she is what you call a big success.
As far as me and Brenda we moved to phoniex but I wanted to get married in my home town and tomorrow is the big day .

" So who is your best man " Mia asks
This is about Max it is always about him with her .

" Mia " I say

" what " she so inccent says

" he is getting in tonight " I tell her

" who is " she exclaims

Why is she acting, I can see right threw her

" my best man l I state
" Max " I add
I can't tell if the look on her face is fear or relief

" that is nice , I mean I knew he would come back for your wedding " she says

" have you talked to him " I ask

" No we have not spoken since we broke up " she admits

" That has been like 5 years " I say a little too loud .

" I know he reached out a little some texts and stuff but it was best for me to cut off all ties " she tells me

" why did y'all break up you seemed in love " I confess

I am completely over what they did I am happy where I am in my life so I want them to be happy and I know they would be the happiest together

" It don't matter he is happier now I seen him in all the news and entertainment shows "she says

Max made it and became professional baseball player his dream he also dose lot of interviews people say he is the best baseball in history , so he has a lot of fans

As far as me I gave up base ball for a living I am a painter I have sold like 5 of my painting and after my honey moon I am going to start working on new stuff .

" I left Bethany so many messages do you know if she is coming " I ask her

" yes she's is excited I went with her to buy a new dress , she has a sittter for Xander " she informs me

" I seen pics On social media he is getting so big "
I say

" oh yes and he is into everything " she says

" I got in touch with Liv she coming and she is bringing Dexter , which I did not know they was dating ." I admit

" oh yes they are crazy for each other , they hooked up for a while it took them a minute to get to couple staus . But they are there " she informs me

"The only one who I did not invite was Kylie that because I knew she was on her honey moon " I say

" Yea her and my brother was in Spain for three week" she boasts
        " but they actually got back last night " she tells me
       " oh I didn't realize I will give them a call I would love to see them there " I say
" I really need to get going my rehearsal dinner but I love catching up " I tell her

We stand and hug .

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