Chapter 32 (Mia) ( The Carnival part 1)

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There is a few things I have to pick up for the carnival , I really didn't mind it was a little fun organizeing . All I need is posters and markers . As I pick up the stuff I see a well dressed woman walking toward me . It is Max' s mother .

" Hi Mia " she sweetly says

" Hi Mrs.Rogan " I say

" I am picking up these posters I am helping organize the carnival." I say

" Oh " She says

I know she is thinking oh yes because I was caught her making out with her son , but this sweet woman don't say anything about that she just asks me .

" So do you like planing ?"

" Yea it was a surprise to me but I do ." I reply

" Would you like to help I am throwing a thanksgiving fundraiser at my house ?" She asks

I know I am staring blankly at her , but I am just thinking of how last year on thanksgiving at her house Max and I got together . The thought alone sends heat threw me .

" I don't think " I say

" I could really use the help ." She pleads

How can I tell her no .

" Of course I will ." I tell her

The Carnival looks to be a success I feel great about that I had a little part of that . After my shift is done I am ready to ride some rides . I text my friends . When I look up Brody is standing in front of me .

" Why have you not answer my text or calls ." He asks

I don't want to be mean to him but I told him I didn't want this to go any fruther.

" Just busy " I lie

The truth is I was a little busy but if I wanted to talk to him I would have made time to .

" That ok let go to the tunnel of love ." He says and starts to pull me by the arm .

" They don't have a tunnel of love ." I say and pull my arm back

" Mia stop playing hard to get you know you want to ." He says and rasies his eye brow .

I put my hands on my hips and shake my head and say

" Get over yourself "

He strokes my face with his rough hand and I don't know why he did that . I know I made out with him , but i don't want to be his girlfriend . As Max pointed out I don't know him .

" Just one ride that is all unless you decide you want more ." He says

I think about it . Then I hear the most confronting voice . It is Max .

" Excuse me Mia can I speak to you . " he says

He is being so polite . I am taken a back .

" What for ? " Brody asks and puts his arm around me .

I look at Brody and move his arm . I understand he is doing that to get under Max 's skin as much as I like to make Max jealous, He seems strange so I am not aboard to do so right now .

" Please Mia ." He begs

I feel conflicted , I want to see what he has to say , but is he only talking to me because he seen me talking to Brody , I have to get over him and I can't if I am talking to him .

Before I realize it Brody grabs my arm and drags me to the ferris wheel . I am looking back at Max , but he don't come after us .

I didn't fight to hard because I don't know what is right to do . I don't want to want to be putty in Max Rogan hand . Brody is talking but I have no ideal what he is saying . I am looking down I watch Max walking my heart is racing my belly does flips . I realize I have to know what he wanted to say because it will drive me crazy .

When we get off the ride , I pull my shirt a bit . I thank Brody for the ride and start to walk off .

" Where are you going ?" He asks

I turn around with my hands in the pocket of my jeans , and say

" You said one ride ."

I walk to the big tent I see where Max went in . Inside it is set up for like a play or something but it must not be going on right now .

I see Max standing just looking at the stage . He has in a orange sweater and jeans he looks divine .

" So What did you want to talk about . " I ask

He turns around and looks me up and down . And says

" Now you want to talk ." He yells

" Max " I say

" That boy he is bad and you are here with him ." He screams

" Why do you care ? " I ask

" I don't but you should ." He yells

If he yells at me one more time I will leave here not having to talk to him .

" I know you don't care you just sleep with me and drop me ." I say

" Oh Mia" he yells

I told myself I would leave if he yelled again but he only said my name .

" Nothing is all fairy tale you should really grow up ." He yells

I just turn and walk away . I text Kylie .

I meet her at the corn dog stand .

" Where you been ?" She asks

" Talking the jerk Max Rogan." I say

" I know he can be but I am thankful for what he did even though I know it is for you .

" What he did " I say in confusion

" You don't know ? " she ask

" No " I say

" He made Kevin switch schools ." She says

I knew Kevin left . But I didn't know Max was why .

How is that something to do with me ." I say

She takes a bite then says

" Because he knows Lee would beat him up and he also knows it will make you uneasy . "

Could he have done this for me ?

I have to know .

I run back to the tent and hope that he is still there . I am out of breath when I get there thanks to the 3 min run . Max turns around and reaches to me .

" Mia are you ok " he asks

" Did you do it for me ." I ask


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