Chapter 43 (Mia) (Far Away)

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I don't know what I feel , relief that Mr. Mathis is gone , but I am still hurting from what happened . I hear a horn , I look up and see Max , he screams out his window of his car for me to come there . I am not as mad as I once was at him . I know I will always have feelings for him . And the fact that he don't want me upsets me , and so many of the things he has done has hurt me for the past month I have kept my distance until NewYears eve and he was there for me really like he always is . Even though I believe I should stay away from him where I won't hurt my heart . He was such a great friend last night I can't just not talk to him , so I slowly walk to his car .

" Hey " I say

" Hey " he says a smile it is a smile I could look at all day

" Get in " he says and motions his hand

" My mother is picking me up ." I say and put a piece of my hair behind my ear .

" I talked to her and I am picking you up so umm get in ." He stutters

Why would he pick me up ? And why would he talk to my mom ?

As we pull out of school my mind is racing with thoughts but I decide not to over think .

" The my called me to the principal office , to tell me Mr. Mathis is gone , that is what this box of stuff is from his class room just stuff that is mine ." I inform him

" That is so good I am so glad that he won't be in our school anymore ." He says

He seems to be clutching the wheel tight ,like he is a anxious or something . We turn onto Oakland rd and I realize that is not no where near where I live .

" Max this is not how to get to my house ." I tell him

" I know it has not been that long . " he says and laughs but then quickly stops laughing and he seems to now be clutching the wheel tighter . He looks at me and I want to swim in his eyes .

" I want to take you somewhere ok " he says

I nod . And he smiles

I have no ideal where he is taking me I know I am safe with him . And really every place he has ever took turned out good . The place where we smashed the plates , The baseball filed he went to as a kid , the hideaway ,that hiking spot . And of course our place . I guess he is always showing me something new . But we are not heading in the direction to any of those places .

He pulls over to the side of the road and turns off the engine. I look around it is like we are in the middle of nowhere .

" Sometimes I go for a ride . And a few times I get here and start to cry " he says

I am shocked . I don't know what to say he cries But why ?

" I been an idiot " he states

"Max " I whisper because I don't know what to say

" Please Mia listen to me ." He begs

I stay quite partly because he asked me to , partly because I don't know what to say

He reaches under his seat and hands me a book , the title is Bad Boys always hurt the good girl .

" See that is one of the books my father gave me to read this summer ." He tells me

He is acting like it is a big deal but it is just a book .

" After thinking I was the father of Vicky's baby ." He says and looks up as if the memory hurts him and I know how he feels because when he said it I felt like I couldn't breathe .

" I went to my father and after we talked I was sure the best thing for you was to not be with me . I felt like that could have been bad I could have been the father , So I broke up with you to save you not because I didn't love you and certainly not because I just wanted to sleep with you once and dump you I just said that to keep you away . All summer my father talked to me about how I could have ruined your life , he made me go to baseball camp . He had me read books like that the whole summer and he was right in every one the bad boy hurts the good girl . And I had to try to Protect you ." He says and looks at me

I don't know what to think does it make sense . I don't understand at all . I guess in a way I do . I know Mr. Rogan don't like me so he has tried to convince him he would hurt me . But it don't exuess how he treated me and the things he said .

" Please say something Mia " he pleads

" I am trying to understand . You didn't want to hurt me so you broke up with me and then told me you was using me ." I say loudly

" No I did break up with so I wouldn't hurt you in the long run these books these bad boys ruin these girls life I couldn't stand it . You are the nicest girl I couldn't stand it if I turned you into a heartless bitch or someone who don't believe in love no more ." He says and looks sad

" Max you are not a bad boy and we are not a strero type ." I say

" I get that now , I was never using you just so you know ." He say

" Why now ? Why tell me ?" I ask

" Well I am miserable , but you got hurt I was trying so hard to protect you and you still got hurt . , That 's why I wanted you to be with Dexter he is good and I couldn't stand it when Brody was I the picture . " he says

" And what about Nathan ?" I ask

" That was to make you move on and I never told him and then I got him a girlfriend ." He says and we both laugh .

"It was to keep you from tempting me because Mia you was making it so hard . That is why I said I used you . " he say

A few tears run down my face . I still don't know what to do .

" Listen to this song , it basically explains how I feel." He says and turns it on his phone .

The song is a song I heard lots of times and I like it but I never thought of it to be how he felt or anything . It is by Nicleback and it is called so far away . I listen to every word . I feel like the words mean he is sorry , but he loves me . Now I am full on crying . He wipes my tears .

"'I am sorry didn't mean to have you cry I want you to know . That is how I feel . " he says

" Max I am confused I mean I don't know ." I say

" I just want you to know I want you , only you I haven't really looked at another girl not since you really and that one reason I know I can handle this . I don't think I would ever hurt you ." He says and with that I lean quickly into him and kiss him .

Our lips touch and it's like magic he runs his fingers threw my hair it is a little uncomfortable with the console but I long to be near him . I try to scoot a little more he pulls back . He is all breathless and then he says

" Mia I want you ,I always want you ,but I want to go slow . "

" Oh ok what does that mean " I ask

"Let's just take it slow and maybe I take you out on a date tomorrow night ." He says with a smile

" One more thing no matter what I am not giving up us again " he says

And again I don't know what to say .!!!

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