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 it had been many long days and nights leading up to when I would fly to L.A. And tonight wasn't that night, tonight I sat in Travis's room comforting him through a breakdown. This was normal. Mikyle was fast asleep and I was wide awake with our train wreck. I had gotten so used to it that it seemed I always knew when it was happening, being there the moment he started breaking to the moment he was okay again.

Travis was a treasure to me, something I never knew I needed. He was precious, and we treated him how we treated CC; like a baby. Because that's what they were, the baby's of the group. They were both very fragile and easily hurt, so we were careful with the two of them. We didn't want to be apart of what hurt them. 

Travis stopped crying a long time ago, but he still clung to me. His breaths were slowed and his eyes were closed as he was fast asleep. He was finally at peace tonight. I learned how to get out of his tight grasp without waking him up, so getting up and heading to the kitchen was getting easier every time. 

My phone sat on the counter, lighting up several times as I searched for something to eat. After a while of not finding anything since the boys insist on eating everything I buy within the first couple of days, I grabbed it. His name popped up in my notifications. I rolled my eyes, letting out a huff before promptly opening the messages.

'My manager told me about what your friend set up. I hope everything will be cool, I don't want any drama'

He doesn't want any drama? that's ironic giving everything we went through in high school and what he said to me just a day before I moved away. I never spoke to him since, and now he's texting me as if that never happened? 

I didn't reply, I decided to go on with the rest of my very early morning. It was almost six and there was no point in getting any sleep since I knew Rio would be barging through the door at any moment sooner or later. 

I stayed put at the counter, scrolling through social media until Kyle popped his head through the hallway. "Good morning, Bunny," He came over and sat next to me, resting his head on my shoulder. 

Kyle and Trav were always clingy, but Josh had prepared me for that. His separation anxiety was bad and he always liked to be around me, he found comfort in me for some reason. I guess it was sort of the same for the boys as well. 

"God any plans today?" A yawn escaped his mouth which made me chuckle a little. "Not much besides breakfast with Rio. He insists on taking me to some fancy restaurant his family owns, curtsy of his dad who definitely thinks I'm joining the mafia and marrying his son," 

"that'd be cool though cause then I could be like the super cool hitman best friend," Kyle had quite the imagination on him. "Or, I could stay single until I find somebody who really wants to be with me?" He scoffed as I got up and made my way to my room. "I mean we're still so young, I don't wanna commit my entire life to someone when it's barely even started yet." 

I threw on some nicer clothes than my usual ones. My style never really changed, I still stuck to the whole goth/alt thing and on occasions, going for more of a classy look. It really all depended on my mood. 

"I've never seen you so dressed up before," Travis was surprisingly up. He didn't go to sleep until almost three this morning. "I'm going to breakfast with... Never mind, Kyle can tell you, I don't have the patience for you two today," I let my curly hair fall to my shoulders as I made my way outside and downstairs. 

"So, you've been hiding this VIP section from me my entire life? Real classy, Rio," He chuckled as he took a sip of his drink, keeping his eyes on me the entire time. "I was saving it for someone special, and your my best friend, so why not you?" 

Rio had a way with words, knowing how to woo any girl he wanted. "So, Is this your way of telling me your dad wants me to marry into the mafia? If so, I'll politely decline," he shook his head, a small smile rising to his face. "No, I just thought I'd do something special for you. You barely leave the house unless we all drag you out." 

And he was correct. I didn't like to leave the apartment much, there wasn't anything outside that was interesting to me anymore. This is kind of ironic given the fact I used to love being outside; taking walks, riding my skateboard, sitting at the beach. I stopped doing all of that once I moved back. 

"Well I mean we're going to L.A. soon," He rolled his eyes at me, "But that's different. You'll be under a bunch of stress and your gonna get distant, I wanna spend time with you before all that happens."

Rio was sweet on the inside, but he was ice cold on the outside. He never really opened up to anyone and let them see his real self besides me, Chanel, and CC. He treated CC like his little sister, Chanel like his big sister, and me like a forbidden treasure. That didn't begin until we kissed a very long time ago, that's when he started treating me like a queen. I mean, as he should. 

Reaching across the table, I grabbed his hand in mine. "Thank you, Rio. And before we leave, I wanna see your dad. Its been months,"

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