Romeo's Regrets-06

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 I wanted to take Dani to moms house to surprise her and when we got there, it became this whole big thing. Mom, surprisingly, brought up the wedding. "Well, My fiancé and I already asked Aaliyah, so how about you come too? You can be my bridesmaids and maid of honor." She looked right at me on that last part. And while that would be an honor, I wasn't sure I would be able to fit the part. 

"Yes, of course mom. Wow, I'm so glad you're getting married, what's his family like?" My phone started ringing so I made my way into the other room. 

"Hey, how're you feeling?" Hearing Peeps voice was comforting. "I'm fine, I'm actually talking to my mom again so things are getting better actually. What's up, why'd you call me?" 

"The label wants you to go to L.A. so you can record, they also have a manager waiting to meet you do you've got a flight later today." You've got to be kidding me. "My sister just came back and now I have to leave to L.A.?"

"I'm just the messenger." I sighed, hanging up the phone in frustration. I walked back into the room, sitting down on the couch. "I've got a flight to L.A. later today, I have to go to the studio to record and meet my new manager." 

"Look at you being a big star! So much has changed!" She was a little too excited about my career. I get it's because she's missed so much but she was overly enthusiastic, or maybe my trust is just messed up.

"I'm sorry I have to leave after we just caught up and everything but I can't miss these things, I just got signed." She rolled her eyes at me. "It's okay, bunny. You've got your own life now, you're an adult. Plus, I was thinking I'd come around for you birthday since it's coming up." I had completely forgotten about my birthday, I've been so busy with everything else that it was far off of my list of priorities. 

"Okay well, I've gotta get back so I can back again. You guys can come to the airport if you want."

"You guys can all just come with me, I can pay for the tickets-" I stopped in my tracks, realizing I wouldn't be able to do so. "Never mind, I forgot my dad froze my account and cards so I won't be able to pay for it." 

"I'll pay for it, Principessa. Don't worry about it." Rio's hands rested on my arms, rubbing them up and down slowly. "Get a room!"

"Get out of my house then!" They all laughed at me as I plopped down on the couch. "God, I never realized how comfortable these would be." Rio chuckled, sitting down next to me and pulling my legs over his. "You're a great decorator." 

"You two are so in love it's actually disgusting." Chanel mushed Rio and sat down next to me. "Hey, watch the face!" She rolled her eyes, bringing me into a hug. "You're so grown up, I don't know how to feel about it anymore." 

"I'm only a year younger than you, Chelly," She could be so dramatic. "yeah but you might be getting married and now you're this big artist, can all of you stop growing up so fucking fast!? God, I'm gonna have daddy clone all of you so I can raise you again." 

"Okay, get off of me, I need to pack. Rio book your flight, Chanel, help me pick out outfits, CC and bear follow us because the boys are gonna talk about boy stuff." They gagged and followed us up the stairs to Rio and I's room. 

"Are we not gonna talk about how Rio is even more in love with you? You better not break his heart for Peep." I scoffed. "Of course not, Rio's my life right now, Peep... Peep is Peep." 

I sat in the studio for a couple of hours recording until the manager came in. "Hey, I'm Kaci McClain your new manager. Now, to jump right in, I'm thinking we change your whole look and music style to get the fans-"

"Not to be rude, but you just became my manager and you're already trying to change everything about me?" She went to rebut but Chanel cut her off, "Yeah, bunny doesn't need to change her style. Her fans already love her for who she is." 

"Okay... Well, how's the session going?" As if it wasn't already obvious. "I've been here hours on end so good I guess, I have to finish recording though-"

"-Oh how fun! Whats the name of the song?" I mentally rolled my eyes. I just knew I wasn't going to like this lady. "Bitches broken hearts, now can I record or are you going to cut me off in the middle of that too?" She seemingly caught on by the way she sat down without another word. 

"Great, now since we're done with that I thought I'd let you know I don't need a producer nor an engineer so both of you can leave." 

"We were assigned to you by-"

"yes, by the label, I know but you've seemingly forgotten who my father is and the fact he taught me everything he knows so I don't either one of you in my space trying to change the way that I sound. My music is raw, not overly edited and has autotune thrown all over it." 

I knew I was being a bitch, but that lady really pissed me the hell off. 

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