Lil Jeep-01

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 "Have you figured out what college you want to go to yet?" Josh and I sat outside on the sand, letting the waves hit our feet. "I'm not sure yet, what about you?"

 "I'm not sure if I even wanna go anymore. I've just got way too much going on," He scoffed, making my eyebrows furrow. "Are you serious? You're giving up on it just because of some shitty obstacles in your life? No, you're going to school."

 "I don't want to go anymore, I don't even know what I want too study. I'd just waste money and time doing something I don't even like," He sighed, bringing me into a tight hug and resting his head on my own. "You'll figure it out, and when you do, I'll be there to help you."

 I always pushed Josh to be the best him during high school, despite everything we went through. I'm guessing he thinks it's his turn. I was the one taking care of him because of his sorry excuse of a father. That man always gave me the creeps, I don't understand how our fathers still work together. 

 "Never in a million years did I think we'd be sitting next to each other, giving each other advice," Giving my shoulder a squeeze, he looked down at me. It seemed as if everyone toward over me nowadays. "What's going on with you and Peep? My top secret agent told me you went to Liza's,"

 "She was in town, and I haven't seen her since the day I left this place. I thought it would be good to catch up," He raised his eyebrow at me. I really don't need the judging look right now. "You thought it was a good idea to hang out with your exes mom?"

 "He's not my ex, we never officially dated," He laughed straight in my face. "But you said you loved each other,"

 "I don't need this Joshua! And frankly, you should be more worried about... Your trainer! Yeah, I bet you haven't been training lately, there's something to talk about," He, once again, laughed in my face. "I haven't missed a single workout since I've been traveling, stop avoiding the conversation."

 There was no way I was getting out of this one, maybe If I just bribe him with something? A new football? I could probably even get it signed too. What am I thinking? I need to talk about it, regardless of if I want to or not. 

 "Okay, I went over there for advice. I just needed to know if I should give him a chance or not! For fucks sake he ripped my heart out and stomped on it right in front of me, you think Im just supposed to let something like that go?"

 "Yes, because that was in the past. We're in the future now, so you have to move on. Not for him, but for you." Why was everyone but me being right lately? It's kind of hurting me ego just a little. "What if I let him in and he hurts me again? I can't go back to how I was, I don't want to feel that way again," Josh brought me into a tight hug. "I'll be right there to help you pick up the pieces."

The moment I finally got alone time, I got too far into my own thoughts. And let me tell you, it's not fun. I just keep overthinking about the whole love pentagon thing, I should've never told the girls about it. It's just unnecessary stress and frankly, I don't need that right now. I've got enough going on.

Would being with one of them be that bad? The con's are kind of outweighing the pros at this point. I mean, am I really willing to put one of my friendships on the line for a relationship I'm not even sure I want? Hell no. I just can't afford to lose anyone else in my life. 

But then again, even after Rio and I kissed all those years ago we still managed to remain friends. Josh and I remained friends as well despite the whole kissing someone else and getting caught thing. And Travis is precious to the group, he's like the baby of the bunch and I refuse to hurt him. So, then there were two. 

Weighing my options, it's between Peep and Rio. I'm not particularly excited for something like this, it just feels wrong. I'd be leading one on while the other gets all my attention and time, something that's very important to someone that likes you.

And as far as I know, the only one out of the both of them that likes me is Rio.

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