Romeo's Regrets-07

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 I had this small feeling this tour was supposed to be Peeps redemption arch. He was trying awfully hard to prove to me that he's changed which also makes me think he had something behind me getting signed to the record label. 

But, tonight was a worry free night. Everyone went to dinner and it was actually nice as hell, but that fell through when Hollywood fix was outside waiting for us. "Hi Aaliyah, how was dinner?"

"Good, we had a good time." I tried to walk away but he kept following, making Rio grab my hand as a defense mechanism. "Whats going on with you and Peep? I heard you two might be together."

"Peep and I are friends, that's all-"

"I think you and him would look great together." This guy was really making my blood boil. "I'm with someone else, and I'm happy so if you could just not invade on my personal life that would be great."

"Hey, how'd you fix the whole thing with my cousins? They're real petty, they would've started a feud by now." I sighed, closing my laptop. For once I wanted to be able to focus on something that wasn't complete bullshit. "I paid them off, fifty grand was their request so I gave that to them." 

"Is that why your dad froze your account because you didn't need to do that Aaliyah," I rested my hand on top of his, bringing it to my lap. "It's fine and he froze my account because everyone in the family has turned on him, he's acting like a child as if I don't need money."

"Why don't you just get a new account?" I sighed. "because my dad knows everybody at the damn bank, there's nothing I can do about it. Having an almost billion dollar dad isn't as fun as it looks." 

"We have a flight in a couple of hours so I'm gonna get in the shower before I ultimately go insane." Rio followed me into the bathroom, so I already knew what he wanted. "I just can't catch a break, can I?" He chuckled, shutting the door behind him. "No you can not."

"We need to go pick out our cake flavor, do you mind watching the kids?" When we got back to Michigan, I started helping mom with the wedding planning. Dani left before I got back which I'm not surprised about, I wasn't even gone for that long and she just vanished. 

"Sure, I don't have anything planned for the day so we'll figure something out I'm sure." They grabbed their keys and loaded into Dan's car, soon pulling off and leaving. I made my way to the kids rooms, they took the rooms Dani and I once had when we lived here. "Hey, so I was wondering what you guys wanted to do today."

"I don't want to hang out with you, just because our parents are getting married doesn't mean I have to pretend to like you." His sister hit his shoulder, telling him to be quiet. I had a feeling there were some underlying emotions about this marriage and honestly, I understood where he was coming from. 

"I get it... I have a step mom already, my dad got married to his assistant which I honestly wasn't surprised about." I sat down on the bed next to them, and Alyssa had gravitated towards me. "Watching your parents move on from each other, or your father move on from someone who was dear in your heart, it's hard. But they're happy and that's why I haven't said anything about it. I don't like this either but we could try and make it work, what do you like to do?"

He hesitated before answering, "I'm learning how to skate, it's really hard though. I can't land my kick flip." I had a feeling Carl and I were going to get along just fine. "I could help you with that, when I was in high school my friends made fun of me all the way until the day I actually landed my first kick flip."

"You know how to skate?" I nodded my head as confirmation. "You're friends with lil peep right?"

"I grew up with him, I met him when I moved to Long Island when I was younger. I helped him with music, we were together for a little bit." 

"I watched some videos from when you were on tour with him, it's cool that your an artist." He was finally opening up, we sat for a little while longer talking about both of their interests before we decided to go to the skate park. I called Rio to pick us up and bring my boards. 

When we arrived, Carl practically shot out of the car to use the skateboard I gave him. Alyssa followed him while Rio and I stayed back for a little. "You're really getting along with them huh?" I gave a small shrug in response. "I've always been the younger sibling and eventually the only child, I think it'll be nice to take care of them. They deserve it, they're sweet kids, you know?" 

He opened his door and got out, I followed suit and we made our way over to the kids. "Alright, kneepads, head gear and everything else on, can't have you getting hurt, can we?" He was a little resistant to the idea but eventually put them on. He's a teenager so I can't really blame him. 

"It might take a while to finally land it but when you do, It'll feel amazing." I showed him a few tricks to get him excited to which he tried to mirror me. I saw Travis and Kyle pull up which was completely unexpected. "hey, what you guys doing here?"

"We came to be bad influences." I rolled my eyes knowing they'd be exactly that. Dan might just kill me. Travis and I sat down while Rio and Kyle played with the kids. "Carl, the boy, he's not keen on our parents getting married and neither am I. I still don't like Dan, he tries to hard to act like my father. I'm a grown ass woman, not some little kid." 

"At least you're all trying though, I mean if it was me in this situation I probably would've ran away or something." I stifled a laugh. "Isn't that practically why we met in the first place?" He shrugged it off, not really wanting to remember us being in a mental hospital together. 

"Everything is just moving super fast. I might be getting married, I'm a signed artist now, my moms wedding is in a few months, I'll have to go back to tour eventually and my sisters back. I just don't know how to deal with all of this." 

"You've got me, I'll always be here to be your tour guide on the disappointment I call life." I rested my head on his shoulder, mind completely going away from the person next to me and instead, the sight in front of me. Rio was actually amazing with kids, and the fact he was amazing with Alyssa made it even better. 

He never really had close female family members, the only girls he really grew up around was me, Chanel, CC, and Bear. But that was it. He never got the opportunity to be around babies much either, let alone young children. But he was doing a perfect job so far.

I spent hours talking to Peep on the phone despite the fact he had a show tonight and needed to get ready. I needed my best friend back, like how we were in high school. He didn't mind sitting on the phone with me, listening to me vent. He's always been a good listener. 

of course, I made sure Rio was busy before calling since I knew he would make a huge deal out of me just needing to vent to somebody. I didn't want to put the weight of my life on him, he's already dealing with so much as bad as it is. 

"I'll come back to tour once I get everything figured out here in Michigan, but for right now, I need to talk to my dad so he can unfreeze my account and stop acting like a douche." 

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