Come Over When You're Sober-08

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(This chapter will not be easy to read, and neither will the chapters to come. We're getting closer to the end and I just want to say that it's not going to be the easiest thing to digest. This chapter contains talk of drug abuse, drug overdose, and more. Please, if you're sensitive to any of these topics, skip this chapter.

As I said in a previous A/N, his death with be brief. I don't know how to put it to words and I'm sure you all wouldn't want to read it even if I could. Gus's death still affects his fans and family to this day so I want to be as respectful as I can be. of course, chapters will be revised in the future incase I feel as though I didn't do as promised. I hope you all are able to get past the next chapters without any trauma being triggered and such.

Just know that I love all of you, and if you're struggling in any way, shape or form, I am here. I will be listening numbers and hotlines to text and call incase this chapter affects you or you're going through something at the moment. My Dm's are open all hours of the day so always remember there is someone here who is willing to listen and talk.

Now, enough talking, here's the chapter.)

Tuscan, Arizona. 11/15/2017.

"You need to start getting ready, you always procrastinate before shows, Gus." He rolled his eyes, taking a long hit from the joint in between his fingers. "I have a baby on board, you can't smoke around me." I had become overly protective of the child inside of me. Sure, it was barely over six weeks but... I was becoming attached the bigger my bump got. It wasn't as big as I'd expect it to be, but it was there, and present.

I could help but look at it every now and again, I'd usually try and avoid the mirror ever since I found out about it. But the idea of being pregnant was growing on me. I was young, sure, but I didn't want to start a family late either.

I could feel his arms wrap around me carefully, placing his hands where I had been staring the past couple of minutes. "He's gonna look just like me." I scoffed. "What if it's a girl?"

"Well, then she will look just like me." He was so adamant on having a boy that I figured he was trying to manifest it. I wouldn't mind having a son though. Gus would be able to teach him all the things I never learned from my father. Because although Gus wasn't around his much, he still tried his hardest.

"Enough, I need to get ready and my fathers in town for the show so put on your best smile for him and my grandparents when you see them and don't mention the baby." I still hadn't told them, I was too afraid of someone trying to take my baby away from me. I didn't exactly know why either. I had this strange feeling that the minute it came out of me, I wouldn't be able to care for it.

"When are you going to tell them? You're obviously going to keep the baby and they're gonna find out at some point." I didn't want to have this conversation right now, especially not before a show. "I don't know, let's just get ready so I'm not late to meet my father."

I put on a suit given the fact I wouldn't be on stage anyways, I'd most likely only be out there for a few minutes before going backstage again. Dad was at the hotel with grandma and grandpa. "What took you so long?" He seemed genuinely concerned, and when he tried to hug me, I did a side hug. Dad always gave tight hugs and although it was probably irrational, I didn't want the baby to get hurt.

"Just to give you a heads up, when you get back, there's some people I'd like you to meet. I've already got all the meetings schedule, so you'll be able to handle it right? I've also got a ton of paperwork that's needs to get done and my assistant just isn't fast enough." I actually wouldn't be able to. But I didn't tell him that since I'd be busy with things pertaining to the baby.

"Yes, of course. Come on, we should get to the venue."

Going to that venue made me feel uneasy and uncomfortable in away. I don't know why, but everything felt off today. "Is everything on stage ready?" I peeked out to see everybody waiting for Gus. There were thousands in the crowd.

"Where is Gus at? He should've been here by now, he's never late." That was only half true, we've been late a couple of times because he wanted to take forever to get ready. "Go find him, now!" They all ran off in different directions. I think the pregnancy hormones are really starting to get to me.

I sat down, instinctively touching my bump while doing so. "You okay?" I jumped at the sound of my father, instantly pulling my hand away. The look on his face was clear, he was trying to analyze me. "I'm fine, dad. I just need to figure out where Gus is so the show can start already. I'm ready to get off the road.

As if on cue, one of the girls working backstage came over to me. "Ms.Sonders, I think you're gonna want to come with me." My eyebrows furrowed In confusion. "I'm sorry, Is this something important? You're supposed to be looking for the star of the show-"

"Yes, well, we found him... I just think you should come with me." Dad accompanied me, trying to be supportive despite the chaos of everything that's going on. "Dad..." My breath hitched at the police lights surrounding the tour bus. I ripped away from my father, trying to get past the police tape that surrounded the vehicle.

"Ma'am, you can't go back there-"

"I'm his girlfriend!" He sighed, still protesting. "My father, Joshua Sonders, is standing right over there so either you let me through or he makes you." He wasn't fearful, but more so, sorrowful. "Just... It's not a pretty sight... He overdosed, I don't think it's a good idea for you to go in there."

3rd POV

Aaliyah stood frozen as fear took over her body for the sight she wasn't about to see. Her feet carried her inside, searching for the tall blonde boy who was supposed to be performing at the moment. She could feel her heart drop to her stomach, seeing her lover laying there.

As the realization of what happened hit her, her hands traveled to her stomach. She would have a fatherless baby, and a two person family.

"Dad! Papa, komm bitte her!" Her father and grandparents had never run to her side so fast. As their eyes landed on the body in front of them, they tried their hardest to shield her from the trauma that would soon visit for a lifetime.

"Come on, let's get you home." Her father struggled to pull her away from the scene, she fought as hard as she could but in the end, she had to give up. Her face wet with tears, she looked her father in the eyes, unknowing of what she would do now without her high school sweetheart.

His arms instinctively wrapped around his daughter, wanting to protect her from anything else that could hurt her.

The lights faded as they walked further away from the scene, his daughter still sobbing her eyes out. "We're gonna go to Long Island so you can talk to his mom, she deserves to hear everything from you, Aaliyah."

She wanted to protest, but at the end of the day, she knew he was right. She knew Liza had to hear It from those closest to her son, from the ones who spent every waking moment with him. She would also have to hear it from the mother of her child's baby.

Incase you, or someone you know may be in a similar situation, or need help with your addiction, here are some lines you can call or text:

24/7 Drug Overdose Crisis Call Hotline: (855) 968-0965

SAMHSA's National Hotline:1-800-662(4357)

Come Over When You're Sober PT.2| A Gustav Ahr Fanfiction| Hellboyyy_Where stories live. Discover now