Lil Jeep-04

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 Dad flew in from L.A. to talk about filming with us. He wasn't exactly excited after I told him mom was going to be there. He would just have to deal with it because there's no way I'm letting those bitchy producers and directors blame them not coming on me. 

"Aaliyah, I don't know about this. Your mother and I haven't been in a good place when the divorce and while I respect t her, it would just stir up unnecessary drama. I don't need my name in the headlines of some article that speaks complete crap about me." I sighed, sitting down at the Island. "Dad, come on, it's just a few days of filming. Plus, Peep is going on tour sooner or later and I'm going with them so we need this footage now."

He let out a long sigh of defeat. "If I do this for you, you have to let me back into your life. All I ever do is pay your bills and get you everything you want or need, including those two friends of yours." I gave him a small smile. "Deal."

"I finally got my dad on board, the man was so skeptical it almost didn't work." I sat with Peep in his old bedroom. It brought back so many memories I had forgotten about. There were picture littering the walls of me and him and even some of the entire friend group. There was even a picture of when he was teaching me to skate and I got hurt.

"Do you remember the first party you went to?" I nodded my head yes, turning my attention back to him. "You were so anxious, I could tell because you kept fighting and moving. That anxiety turned to anger when all the girls were being rude, but since you were the new girl, you bit your tongue." I gave a look of confusion. 

"You stuck by me almost that entire night because you were so scared and anxious of what people thought about you, and I remember how you would look at me every time things became overwhelming." I sighed. "What's your point Peep?"

"Everything that's happened, happened for a reason; The corner store, the party, you going the cheer team and hanging out with popular kids, dating the quarter back of our school, kissing me, it all happened for a reason. Because now look at us, it's gotta be destiny." As much as I wanted to play into the little fantasy he created in his head, I couldn't. Because it wasn't real, I just made bad mistakes.

If I never kissed Gus, Josh and I would've lasted longer than we did. I'm not gonna say we'd still be together right now because face it, no high school relationship lasts. 

"No it isn't, Gus. I fucked up when I kissed you while still being with Josh. We hurt him, and you still refuse to admit that. He was our friend, my boyfriend at the time, and we betrayed his trust and loyalty. And that's not okay." He sighed. "I know, and I said I was sorry for everything-"

"You said sorry to me, but you never said sorry to Josh." He was obviously at a loss for words, not knowing how to reply to such a true statement. "I'm not trying to make you feel bad, although you should since you came on to me while I was still in a relationship, regardless I still kissed back. I just think you should talk to him and clear thing sup, there's too much tension between the two of you that some how has lasted since high school."

Dad and I were having dinner together given the fact we haven't seen each other in years. I wanted to protest but I had no choice since he agreed to do the interview. I needed to sugar coat things and stay on his good side, otherwise, everything will go wrong and I definitely do not need that right now. 

He was talking about work and business which I honestly didn't give a single fuck about since. no longer worked with him. He always does this, making things about him to be exact. "How have you been? You've grown up a lot, did you figure out what college you want to go so I can start the payments?" I shook my head no.

"No, I was thinking about WSU though. I wanna pledge Delta Sigma Theta. Plus, I got offers from like six other schools for cheer." His eyes widened at my choice. "Wow, that's amazing, Liyah. Why haven't you gone yet? You can't take too long, their acceptance rate is low." I sighed. "I know, dad. 

Dad always wanted me to go to college and get a degree or whatever. He wanted me to have such a plain life, but I always wanted to have fun and travel and explore the world. I can't live a boring life, it's just something that doesn't fit my personality.

Being in the public eye helped me meet a lot of new people, I've gotten the once in a lifetime chance to film a documentary that's based around Gus and I, I mean, what else could I ask for?

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