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Rio and I made our way to his house, it was more like a castle though. His father's security opened the doors for us and we went in, being greeted by his father and stepmother. His father was always kind to me, but his stepmother was a bitch. I never knew why she had it out for me so bad.

"Aaliyah! How nice to finally see you again, you look even more beautiful than the last time," He brought me into a tight hug, I was honestly used to it by now. I grew up coming here all the time with Rio after school and for dinners and things like that. His dad is part of the reason my dad ever got his first big business deal.

"It's nice to see you too, Leo. Where's Emiliano?" Emiliano(or Eli) is Rio's older brother. He and I were close as well, just not as close as Rio and I. "He's upstairs taking care of some business. But come, I want to show you something," Rio grabbed my hand in his as we began to walk behind his father.

When we did stop, it was in the hallway of family portraits. There was a new one in the middle of them all, it was of Rio and I. We were both in all black, him sitting down in a chair while I stood beside him, arms wrapped around his shoulders. It was beautiful.

"Wow, it's amazing. But why? That's where your's and Stephanies were," He nodded, giving me a small smile. "Yes, but you two are like our heir. Even if you don't marry my son, he loves you and would do anything for you-"

"-Papi, stop it, she doesn't wanna hear this,"

"No, son. Us St.Clairs never lie about love. He cares for you, Bunny. You'll always be family to us,"

My life was literally a fairytale and I was living for it. Eight-year-old me would be screaming if she saw this. "You have my heart, even if you don't choose me in the end,"

"That's like a big deal right?" I was sat on Chanel's bed as she did her makeup in front of her vanity. She always cared about how she looked. "Yeah, I guess so."

"Rio's had a thing for you since we were like four, you should be with him and live out the life younger you wanted so badly. You used to read all those books and stuff and constantly talk about it," Chanel knew me better than anybody because I spent a lot of time with her when we were younger. That was before I had money. But she never treated me like a charity case, that's what I loved about her.

"I know, but now that it's right in front of me, I don't want it as bad anymore," She sighed, setting down her makeup brush and turning to me. She came over and sat on the bed, placing a hand on my leg. "You've got it all, Bunny. The boy, the money, the life. Is this because of Peep?"

"No, of course not. Or maybe it is, it could be about anyone at this point; Josh, Derek, Gustav. I just hate relationships now," She groaned, going back to her vanity. "I'll knock some sense into you one day. But for now, we're going shopping so you can look really good when we get to L.A,"

"Chanel, I really don't need all this stuff," She was buying anything I wanted. She's always been like that, but her purpose for it now was making me uncomfortable. "You need to make him miss you-"

"That's quite the opposite of what I want, I don't even want to do this. It was all your idea, Chelly," She went up to the counter and paid for everything and we made our way out to the car waiting for us. "It's fine. You'll be fine. You have me, CC, Bear, Alex, Rio, and the boys. Plus, all your old friends are going to be there."

She could never take no for an answer. "Fine, just shut up already," She smirked, getting inside of the car to which I followed.

"I just wanna go home and sleep because w have a long ass flight tomorrow,"

"Oh don't worry, my dad said we can take his private jet," At this point, I couldn't even stand to be around the girl. "I'm gonna head home, you're doing too much now," Before she could even get a word in, I left.

It wasn't that far of a drive from her house to my apartment, but I took my time and enjoyed the silence around me. That was until it became too much and I got lost in my thoughts.

My phone dinged, another message from him.

'Can we talk?"

Hell no.

Come Over When You're Sober PT.2| A Gustav Ahr Fanfiction| Hellboyyy_Where stories live. Discover now