Lil Jeep-10

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 Dad stopped by with some of clothes for me, and I chose to completely ignore his "wife" that was with him. I can't believe I actually have step parents, what has my life come to? At least he brought the clothes I actually asked for. 

Rio and I were sitting in his office while he talked to his uncles. I was completely used too this by now, they've been doing "business" in front of me since I was little. And given the fact my dad is his fathers business partner, he didn't really see a problem with me knowing everything. They finished talking and they walked out of the room. Rio turned to me, a small smile playing on his face. 

"What are you looking at gangster?" He chuckled at my remark, making a tiny smile come to my face now. "We should go out, you need your nails done." I actually didn't need them done but I guess that's his way of saying he wants to spoil me. "Can we go shopping? I need new clothes, the ones I already have definitely don't fit the style your family has." He seemed taken aback by my statement. 

Minus we'll get used to the idea of marrying him, I still can't fully trust Peep. And I've known Rio longer, doesn't that mean something? We kissed at thirteen, liked each other for a while before I dated someone, and then I moved. 

"Come on, we can take the Benz." 

After Rio took me to get my nails and feet done and took me shopping, we stopped at a corner store. He was standing outside the door talking to an old woman and who, I'm assuming, is her husband. I could see Rio looking at me a few times before he grabbed a large envelope and walked back to the car. 

"Business?" He nodded his head as confirmation. "Where we going now?" He turned the way towards my apartment complex. "To yours so you can try your stuff on and put it away and then we have to pick out the new house decorations." 

"For?" I trailed the word off at the end, questioning his statement. "My dad wants us to decorate how we want it, you don't have to actually do anything." I could tell the fact I still haven't given them an answer was bothering him. I should at least give him a chance. 

"I wanna help, we can make it look really nice. I'm quite the interior designer if I do say so myself." I placed my hand out for him to hold, which he in fact, gladly took.

"Oh wow, look who finally decided to come home." I gave them all an irritated grin, going into my room and sitting all the bags down. I jumped on the couch next to Melody and Layla, wrapping my arms around their shoulders. "What have you guys been up to in my humble abode?" 

"We finished the Conjuring Universe and started watching all the Marvel movies in order." I gave a pout. "Without me? No fair, this is why Travis is my favorite." I went to wrap my arm around him instead before he moved me. "Yeah no, I was watching with them."

"You're all a bunch of traitors." I went into the kitchen to find it a complete mess. "I guess none of you know how to clean up behind yourselves?"

"Sorry, we got super high last night and tried to bake." I rolled my eyes at the two boys in front of me. Jazz and Gus were trouble makers, but that's nothing new. "Anyways, I'm not gonna be here long so enjoy me while you can. I'm gonna try on clothes and you're all gonna pretend to like every last thing you see." They all groaned, falling off the couch and on top of each other. "You're a bunch of drama queens. Chop Chop, into the room we go."

Close to an hour later, I was done trying on clothes. They actually liked the majority of the stuff I tried on. I got dressed into a tight, mid-thigh, black dress and red bottoms that were at the expense of Rio's card. We made it back to his on time to talk to the designers. 

"Red is the color theme I'm guessing? I've worked with your family for years, seems to be a favorite color." Rio looked to me and I nodded my head. There were people all over the house moving furniture in and out so I kept close to Rio, latching on to his arm since we had got here. 

"Leather or velvet?" We stopped in front of two living room sets. Leather is sexy, but velvet, the way it looks is so stunning. So, that's what I chose. Rio was basically letting me do whatever I wanted. It was actually looking really nice. We decided to keep the red theme but threw in a little silver and black. 

"Now, for the bedroom. Your dad told me he's moving and the two of you are taking the master bedroom, hope I'm invited to the wedding." Rio and I both chuckled... Thats if there even is a wedding lady. 

"Now, I was thinking a nice big bed, drapes around it, and a velvet cushioned headboard. A silver looking bed frame would look amazing as well, what do you think?" I actually like her, we're keeping her. No wonder Mr. St.Clare kept her around. "Sounds perfect. Hey Rio, I'll be right back, I'm starving." I actually was. The entire time we were out, I opted out of eating because I kept finding cute clothes. 

In the kitchen, I found the chef preparing lunch. "Leo, did you read my mind? I'm practically-"

"-Starving? Yeah, I had a feeling. You've been a good eater since you were little, you were never afraid to try something new." He sat a plate on the island which I gladly ate. "So, are you giving the boy a chance or are you gonna get his hopes up?"

"I'm giving him a chance, he deserves it. Rio's been nothing but good to me my entire life, I should at least try with him. You never know, he could be my soulmate." Leo smiled a little bit, taking my plate and sitting it in the sink. As I've said before, younger me would be so surprised at the fact she might be able to live the life she always read about.

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