Lil Jeep-05

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 "I can literally feel the tension, this is such bad vibes, Aaliyah." Mom and Dad are in here at his house and it was awkward to say the least. There was so much tension you cut straight through it with a knife. Maybe having the both of them in a room together was a bad idea. 

The producers had already interviewed them separately and now want to interview them together, they even asked me to sit with them which I opted out of. I refuse to get hit in the middle of the fight that's gonna happen between them, they haven't gotten along since the divorce and my sister leaving.

"I haven't seen your parents in the same room since we were In elementary. Are you sure this was a good idea?" Rio was watching the situation unfold, mom and dad Clearly wanted to rip each other to shreds. "The producers wanted footage, so here they go. It's not my fault if this goes wrong." 

Dad was actually being peaceful, but mom on the hand... She was acting out to say the least. This has to stay contained, otherwise its gonna mess with dads image. And while I don't really like my parents, I've always been my fathers daughter. Mom has done way too much to our family for her to think I'd ever take her side. 

"Can you two shut the fuck up? Mom, go sit down and leave dad alone. You're literally proving why I shouldn't have asked you to do this." Her fiancé walked over, trying to intervene. "Come on, you don't need to talk to your mother that way," Dad and I scoffed, sharing a look with each other. "For one, she is not my mother, she doesn't deserve that title. And two, I don't know who you think you're talking to like that. Let me remind you I can ruin your life with one tweet or instagram story."

He hesitated before walking away with mom. Layla and Melody walked over to me, high-fiving me. "Wow, I guess your rich girl card comes in handy, huh?" I gave a dry laugh. I can't believe I just blew up like that and didn't see if any cameras were rolling. But dad can always make things right if my image gets messed up. 

"I'll be right back..." I made my way outside of set and to the dressing room I had. I didn't go in though, I just sat on the steps of it. It was chilly once it was night here. The lights and constant noise of directors and what not kept my mind company. That was until the tall, blonde-haired boy came outside and sat next to me.

The last time Peep and I were alone together, he kissed me to which I pulled away from and didn't kiss back. I mean, as I should. He doesn't deserve to just ruin my life and then come back In like nothing ever happened. I'm not gonna always let him get his way, otherwise he'll take my kindness for weakness. 

"I've never seen you blow up like that, I mean, besides the other night. But your parents huh? I would've never seen that coming." Of course that's all he came out here to talk about. "What do you want, Peep?" He sighed. He was obviously nervous giving the fact he wouldn't stop fidgeting with his hands and pants. I notice that when we first met, I'm guessing it's comforting to him.

"I know I've said it so many times before, but I'm sorry. I truly never meant to hurt you." I scoffed. "Right because I'm supposed to believe that? A drunk person speaks a sober tongue, you meant every last word you said to me." He sighed. He seemed to already be giving up. There was a small part of me that wanted him to fight and come back to me. 

"I said and did a lot of fucked up shit, Liyah. I know that I'm in the wrong, I know I fucked things up for you, I know that I can be selfish and I know I put you in a lot of positions you shouldn't have been in. But... I'm gonna keep fighting. Once my mind is set on something, I have to go through with it." And alas, he did fight for me. 

And while it felt amazing to hear him admit to his wrongs, there was one problem: I'd still have to choose between him and Rio.

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