Come Over When You're Sober-02

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Gus(and my manager) thought it would be a good idea to throw a release party for the song I dropped. So, here we were, doing exactly that. There were bottles and weed everywhere, girls dancing, guys smoking. Music was blasting throughout the place which made it hard to hear everyone I was talking to.

I got to meet X, Ski, and Juice. They're like the golden trio but as rappers. "How'd you even come up so fast?"

"I released a few songs back in high school that blew up but I never really took action on it. I just wanted to move on with my life, go to college or some shit." Ski scoffed at me. "You got some big ass dreams, you only die once... Just live how you want to."

Those words stuck with me the rest of the night. And I never knew they would have such a big impact on me either.

I eventually went to find Gus who was on the balcony. "What are you thinking about?" I took the joint he had, taking a long pull off of it. "Basically everything, take my mind off it." And so I did. I told him about everything that's happened, everything I expect to happen, and nothing at all. We talked about everything and anything, reminiscing on random things that's happened in the past couple of months.

We left the party, being too annoyed with the smell of liquor and weed. The smell that was all too familiar to me. We sat in the parking lot of Wendys as I ate my fries, listening to nothingness.

"You know, I never thought we'd be this close again... I thought I fucked up big time."

"So that's it? You're just gonna act like I don't exist? Fuck you, Aaliyah,"

"You're a whore, nobody is ever going to love you like I do..."

"-Yeah and you were about to do the same to Derek so I don't wanna fucking hear it. The difference between me and you is that I'm not a lying, cheating cunt," I scoffed. "No, the difference between me and you is that I don't fuck all the newbies, I'm not a junky, I'm not a piece of shit. I have morals, and values, and dreams. Go fuck yourself,"

"Come over when your sober, Peep..."

"Well, we had our good moments to make up for everything."

"Hey, you should show me your music," He looked taken back a bit. "Hell no, that's way too personal," Giving him a fake hurt, I playfully placed my hand over my heart. "I thought I was your bestfriend," He let out a small groan. Jesus. "Fine, we can go back to mine," Peep helped me put my coat back on. "Come on, we need to catch the train on time,"

"Good job princess," princess? He gave me a high five before grabbing our stuff. "We should get some celebratory food, I'm starving," This made me laugh a little. "You're literally always hungry, Gus," He smiled at the sound of his name.

"What about Josh?" That question came out of my mouth for the third time to him. "Fuck it, I can't act like there isn't anything here," His cold, soft lips met mine. Taken back, I stood there stunned but soon melted right into him.

"And we've had our sad ones." We both looked at each other, bursting out laughing before silence fell over the two of us.

"Do you wanna talk about it," I sat in Peeps room, curtains closed, curled up in the corner with my knees to my chest. "No, I'm fine," He sighed, sitting down in front of me and crossing his legs. He reached both his hands out for mine. I hesitated at first but I took them.

"What? Does the home wrecker not have anything to say?" Peep scoffed at Asher's words. "Alright that's enough, you're both fucking assholes, now it's settled," Their eyes diverted towards the angry me. "Both of you need to stay the fuck out of my business, and you," I spoke, pointing towards Peep, "You need to stay the fuck out of my life... You already fucked it up enough,"

His brown orbs stared into my green ones once again, he wouldn't break eye contact. When he did, his eyes flickered between my eyes and lips, slowly moving in. I didn't know what I was doing, but I wanted this in the moment. And before I could have it, my phone rang, making up jump away from each other.

Of course it was my dad, this man just had to be fucking psychic with the way he manages to ruin a moment. "Yes?"

"I was just calling to make sure you're okay," I tried to speed the conversation up as much as possible, rushing my father off of the phone. I let out an awkward chuckle, "The man really knows how to kill the mood."

Come Over When You're Sober PT.2| A Gustav Ahr Fanfiction| Hellboyyy_Where stories live. Discover now