Come Over When You're Sober-09

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 It seemed as though one disaster always had to happen after another. I didn't have enough time to mourn before I was brought in for questioning by the DA's office when I got back to Michigan. I told them the truth, that I didn't know anything. Because I don't. 

But regardless of whatever my father is up to, I'm not going down with him. 

My bump was bigger, much bigger than that night... 

"Hey, I was thinking we could all get drunk and party? Everyone's coming over tonight." A drink sounded so nice right now, but I couldn't. "No, I think I'm just gonna stay in my room tonight, I've got a lot of stuff to get done tonight."

"What do you mean? I thought-" My phone rang loudly, cutting Travis off. I made my way to my room, closing the door behind me. "What do you need dad?"

"I need you to come into the office for a couple of hours, there's a ton of paperwork like I told you about and my assistant needs help." I grew irritated at the fact that he's acting like nothing ever happened. Because something did, and it changes everything. "Dad, I'm kind of busy. I'll go tomorrow but I have some stuff to get done tonight." 

I needed to be careful, he works with tech companies which means he could've wiretapped the house or hacked my laptop or something. 

He hung up, leaving me with my thoughts. 

I sat on my bed, computer in my lap, and the door locked. My fingers clicked against the keyboard as I researched for hours, sooner or later hearing the cheers and happiness of all my friends. My eyes traveled down to my bump, feeling my heart pang with guilt and sorrow. "We're gonna figure this all out... I promise." 

A knock on the door made me put my things away, unlocking it to see who was there. "Hey, I just wanted to check-in and see how you're doing." The person I wanted to see least was here, of course. "What do you actually want, Rio?"

"I want you to let me back in, Aaliyah. You've been ignoring me ever since you left, I meann, what is going on?" He tried to open the door but I stopped him. "Liyah just let me in-" this time, he used more force, hitting my stomach in the process...

I stood there, in complete and utter shock. My hand rested against my belly, feeling as if I had just lost another part of me. "Bunny? What happened?"

"He hit my stomach with the door." Despite the fact none of them knew, they were seemingly mad and confused. "She's fine, it was just her stomach-"

"I'm pregnant, Rio... So no, it wasn't just my stomach... It was my baby." They all fell quiet, eyes glancing between the two of us. "I just... I want you to leave. Leave Rio!" I could feel the tears well up in my eyes, scared of losing yet another person. I had already lost my high school sweetheart, I didn't want to lose my unborn child as well. 

"Why didn't you tell us?" Travis sat me down on the bed, holding his hand over when mine is. "Because... Something shady is going on with my dad and I just thought... I thought it would be easier if nobody knew. I'm in the public eye, I basically work for my father. It's safer if nobody knows, and now people do." 

"It's Peeps, isn't it?" I hadn't heard that name since I had gotten back from Long Island. I didn't want to hear his name.  I couldn't listen to the word form in someone's mouth without getting angry, without feeling how I felt that night. 

"Yeah... But it's fine, I'm fine. I'll schedule an appointment to make sure the baby is okay, but don't speak a word of this to anyone outside of this room." I was in trouble. If my father found out, I'd be putting my child's life in danger.

"Why didn't you come in yesterday? What exactly was more important than our business?" I had to refrain from laughing in his face. "You mean your business, dad. Cause whatever shady shit you have going on, I have zero part in."

"So, this is what it's about huh? Is the DA's office still bothering you? I could take care of it-"

"That's the thing, Dad. I don't want you to take care of it, or me, or anything else in my life. It's like you don't even care that I just lost someone who means the world to me! I work and I work and I work and I get nothing out of it. I am not a slave to you, dad. I am your daughter, and you need to treat me like it, otherwise, you won't be seeing me again." That was probably the worst decision I've made yet. 

"Everything I have done, I have done for you. I've done everything in my power to give you the life you so terribly wanted and you threw it away for- for a junky!" I can't. I can't do this right now, not today. 

"I didn't throw anything away, I grew up. Maybe you should too."

Come Over When You're Sober PT.2| A Gustav Ahr Fanfiction| Hellboyyy_Where stories live. Discover now