Lil Jeep-08

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 "Hey, so I have to bail. I have dinner with Rio's family and some of their friends or whatever so I actually need to get ready because they're sending a car in like two hours." Everybody deadpanned at me. "What?"

"Liyah, for once can you spend time with your friends?" I sighed. "I'm sorry, It's important given the fact their dad expects me to take his spot with Rio eventually-"

"-Wait what?" I stopped in my tracks, realizing what I said. "You never told us that, Aaliyah."

"Um well... I just didn't think it was important. And Rio and I don't really have anything between us so I mean like, it doesn't matter." I hurried to my room as they all turned to each other. I scavenged my closet for something nice and found a few options. 

Red would go good with my hair, but a red velvet dress would make me look amazing. Plus, that was their families colors. They were giving very much Cheryl Blossom. 

(A/N: PLS- I just realized my personality shows in my writing.)

"You'd look good in it." I quickly spun around to find Gus. I let out the breath I was holding, slowing my heart. "You think? I'm honestly not sure what to wear which is weird because I grew up around all of them, our fathers are business partners for fucks sake." He chuckled as he closed the door behind him, walking over and sitting down at my vanity.

"I remember the dress you wore to one of the parties you and Josh threw when you were together. It was tight, black, short. I didn't focus on your curves or your body, but more on the back that it made your facial features stand out. It made your honey-blonde hair look magical, I couldn't keep my eyes off of you." It's as if he reached a moment of recollection, pausing his story for a second. 

"You were so beautiful- are so beautiful. I just wish I would've treated you that way..." Silence fell between the two of us. Any other time, I wouldn't care. But this time I made my way over to him, resting my hand on top of his. Kneeling down to eye level, I lifted his face so his eyes could meet mine. "You've apologized enough, it's okay... I forgive you." 

It's like those were the words he was waiting to hear from me, he wanted confirmation that I forgave him, that I no longer hated him. And while there will always be a small part of me that resents him for what he did, I can't hold that against him forever. 

He got up, leaving the room. I quickly locked the door and reached for the pills in my pocket, popping a full bar before proceeding to get dressed. 

"Jada? What are you doing here?" I was walking around, drink in hand, bored out of my mind when I saw Jada talking to someone. "I didn't know you'd be here, where've you've been? I've been trying to get ahold of you for months now." 

"Sorry, I got a new number. Everyone from Long Island kept trying to talk to me a year or two after I moved back." She brought me into a tight hug. But I'm still confused as to why she's here, she never really liked being around Rio's family. 

Eli came over, wrapping an arm around her and kissing her forehead. Oh god, he's using her. And even if I were to say something, it wouldn't help. Jada is hard headed and somehow seems to fall for the wrong guys, just like me. 

"Is Rio upstairs?" Eli stood there for a second, obviously eyeing me down again. He nodded his head yes before I went upstairs to his room.

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