Romeo's Regrets-10

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(A/N: Guys, I've writing so much lately that I think its a problem at this point... Like I'll literally force myself to stay up just to write which is why I'm so glad I've pre-made so many chapters. Also, since we have one more segment before the book ends, when it does, it'll be going under revision along with Pt.1 and Dopamine.)

Travis had another breakdown, he isn't going well. I go back to tour in two days and it's destroying him. The kid has the worst detachment issues. At least I'm here for now.

We laid on his bed, his breathing gradually getting slower. He was falling asleep, finally about to be at peace for the first time tonight. When he did, I slowly made my way out to the kitchen. It was extremely late, reminding me of the night before everything in my life went haywire.

My phone sat on the counter, lighting up several times as I searched for something to eat. After a while of not finding anything since the boys insist on eating everything I buy within the first couple of days, I grabbed it. His name popped up in my notifications. I rolled my eyes, letting out a huff before promptly opening the messages.

'My manager told me about what your friend set up. I hope everything will be cool, I don't want any drama'

He doesn't want any drama? that's ironic giving everything we went through in high school and what he said to me just a day before I moved away. I never spoke to him since, and now he's texting me as if that never happened?

I didn't reply, I decided to go on with the rest of my very early morning. It was almost six and there was no point in getting any sleep since I knew Rio would be barging through the door at any moment sooner or later.

Only this time, I was the one to text peep.

Aaliyah: You up?

Gus: Ofc, what's up?

Aaliyah: Travis is breaking down again, I don't think he's gonna do well with me gone.

maybe I should just stay in Michigan and forget about tour...

Gus: No way, you're coming. it's two days away before you're on a plane out here and traveling with me again

Aaliyah: I know, I just don't wanna leave him like this. I mean, Kyle is amazing at taking care of him but its not fair to him

Gus: You take care of everyone, it's time to take care of yourself

In the end, he was right. I had spent my whole life taking care of others that I had never really considered taking care of myself. I shot him a quick text saying I was going to sleep before falling into my bed.

It was hard to fall asleep at blue hour, it was so mesmerizing. The bright rays of sun shined in my eyes when I woke back up only a few hours later, I could hear noise in the kitchen and made my way out to see who it was.

Everyone was here, including Rio. I sighed, trying to ignore his presence. It was petty, yes, but he was refusing to go on a break all because he thought he could fix a total dumpster fire. "Hey bunny,"

CC immediately clung to me when she saw me. "Hey, what are all of you doing here?" I kept my gaze on Rio at that last part. "Aren't we always here? This shouldn't be a surprise." Bear went and laid on the couch along with Travis and Kyle who were watching some show. "Coffee, you look like you need it."

I silently gave Chanel thanks with my eyes as I sipped the coffee through the straw. "I was up almost all night, I couldn't sleep. Guess I'm just nervous to go back on tour."

"You were great the last time you were there, you'll be fine."

"You're being a bunch of babies, I'll only be gone for a couple of months!" We all sat in the living room smoking, and for some reason, Rio was still here. "And that's a long time for you to be away from us, just like before."

"I was only gone for like a month or two before I came back, I'm coming back after our maybe third show in Arizona." I stole the bong from Travis and took of with it, ending up on the balcony. The night air was chilly for some reason, colder then it should be. "I think we might get snow, I haven't checked the weather in a while."

"Why is Rio here?" After several hours, finally asked the question that had been pondering my mind. "We were gonna try and ambush you guys but finally realized that's a terrible idea and would only result in us getting our asses kicked."

"Great observation... I want to be with him, but it's fucking up things with my family. My dad and I are on bad terms and now my mom and I are, which means I need to apologize because dad was right. Not like I'd actually say that though."

"Look, things will sort themselves out, just keep your head up."

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