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  "It feels good to be home and back in your bed," Everyone landed in Long Island today and everyone was shacking up in my old house. That meant even more filming, and even more staring competitions. I hadn't said much to him since that night on the balcony. I didn't really have much to say, to begin with. 

Travis was, of course, laying in my bed with me. "I can just never get a room to myself, huh?" He shook his head, throwing his arms around me and laying his head on my chest. "We should go to the skate park, show them our roots,"

"I was actually thinking about paying Liza a visit," Travis sat up, completely shocked by my statement. "Seriously? When was the last time you talked to her?" I gave a small shrug before sitting up myself. "The day I left. I went to see her, cried a little, left a note with her for Peep, and left. But not before telling her to take care of him,"

"Wow, Bunny... So, you're really doing this?" I sighed, getting up from the bed and grabbing my suitcase. "I'm really doing this. Just don't tell anyone where I went, I'm gonna go change so you'll have the room to yourself in a little,"

I hadn't seen Liza in a long time, but she was observant. She knew me like the back of her hand despite not seeing her in years. But that doesn't mean we didn't talk here and there. I knew she would notice my tremendous weight loss, so I decided to stick with a hoodie and sweats. They were baggy enough that she wouldn't be able to tell. 

Slipping my AirForces on, I made my way out of the bathroom. Travis threw me my keys and I made my way out. "Your dad said he left a car for you in the garage," Probably my old one, I never shipped it to Michigan when I moved. But it wasn't my old one, in fact, it wasn't even a car. A Motorcycle? 

A Yamaha bolt 2021. God, that fucker knows me way too well. It felt more like a bribe than a present, and I only got those vibes from the small note that sat on the seat of it. 

'See you soon? :)'

Or maybe not. The cool, muggy air of the night hit me as the garage opened. The roar of this bike is insane, I think I'm in love. The bastard really outdid himself with this one. 

I sped through the streets as I made my way to the familiar greyish-tan house. Liza was in town for filming, she and I spoke before we even started packing to come here. I slowed down, parking the bike in front of the house.

The door opened from afar and smiling and booming Liza walked out. "Long time no see, Aaliyah. Come on in," 

"How have you been? I've seen some pictures of you and Gus here and there," Liza's voice was soft as she spoke to me, scared to press an unknown button. "We're okay, not the best though. And as for me, I'm better than the last time you saw me... I was a complete mess back then," 

She chuckled a little bit, sitting down a mug with tea in it. "You've both grown a lot-"

"-If you're gonna try and convince me you'll have to try harder than that. Jazz has said the same thing several times, so has everybody else. And as much as I wanna believe everyone, I can't,"

She sighed in defeat, "I know my son put you through hell and back. But you were teenagers, you're adults now. You've both grown a lot, trust me. A mothers intuition," 

"Speaking of moms, I might just have to see her when I go back to Michigan," 

"Have you spoken to her since you left?" A dry chuckle escaped my mouth, "Of course not, she's sent birthday cards which I don't even know how she got my addresses. She's always calling my dad, I don't want to speak to neither of them anymore," Reaching across the table, Liza laced her hand with mine. "Maybe it's time, you have to learn to at least move on from things if you want to be happy,"

Liza was right. I had spent years hating everyone, making hate build in my own heart, and it's stopping me from being where I want to. That doesn't mean I'm ready to talk to mom or dad, but at least I can start with Peep given that's what matters most right now.

As much as I've wanted to deny it, he's different. And I know the only reason he changed so much when we were teenagers is because of me, because I changed him. If it weren't for me, he would've never become toxic. 

Apparently I woke the entire house up with my engine, but that didn't stop me from slamming Gustav's door open and locking it behind me. As I sat on his bed, his eyebrows furrowed. "I'm sorry that I fucked us both up when we were teenagers and refused to admit that part of the reason you acted how you did is because of me,"

"Aaliyah, what are you talking about?" I groaned in frustration. "I'm part of the reason you changed for the worst... No offense... But I fucked you up, I fucked Chris up. It's cliche and so fucked up, it was a love square between you, Chris, Derek, and I. I didn't know what I wanted back then, and I still don't now, but I'm so fucking sorry for everything-"

His hand laced in mine, making me stop talking. They were warm in the cold AC blowing through the room. He sighed, pulling me further on the bed, and sitting me next to him. I couldn't pull away -- I didn't want to pull away. 

"All that matters is that we're here with each other now, it's okay. Forgive and forget," We sat in silence as music played in the background, my head resting on his shoulder as our backs rested against the headboard. 

This was the first time we felt peace while around each other since we got in contact again, and I wasn't complaining. Because as much as I wanted to hate him still, I couldn't. He was always an angel in my eyes, and he'll always continue to be.

Come Over When You're Sober PT.2| A Gustav Ahr Fanfiction| Hellboyyy_Where stories live. Discover now