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 "Can you guys actually get up and help me? I've been cleaning for the past hour while you've been on the game," It was a few years into living with the boys and they've been the worst roommates. We graduated though, and surprisingly they all did well on their finals regents. If there was one reason why they were actually smart, it's probably because I forced them to study with me and my other friends every weekend. 

The boys surprisingly got along well with Rio and Alex, they all had something in common. Rio, as you can tell slightly by his name and demeanor, was a big shot and his family has a long history with the mafia. That interested Mikyle. Alex was the Jock of our group and was teaching Travis different sports, it kept him busy and out of his mind. He still struggled a lot, but I was always right there with him.

I'd sleep in his room the nights he lost control of himself, nights he felt like giving everything up. I had once been in that same position and almost didn't make it out if it weren't for you-know-who. I've decided to forget the past and focus on the present instead though. I'm more concerned about the boys here than the boys in Long Island. 

But that nickname I once had stuck with me forever as I saw his name on the charts, all over my social media. I stopped being on my phone long after I continuously saw his name pop up. His face was a memory I buried deep, a trauma I wanted to forget forever. 

Being back in Michigan was good for me, I was happy for the most part. I'd FaceTime my dad here and there but I never visited. He married his assistant, I wonder how long it'll last given the number of girlfriends he had after he and my mom split. I can give it to her though, she never rushed anything after their split. She stayed by herself to heal, but maybe dad just moves on fast. 

"After this game and then we'll help," I rolled my eyes at them, continuing to sweep. 

I had changed somewhat over the years. My honey-blonde hair was now jet black, I had slimmed down some from constant stress, and I was now on medication that I never took. It was Xanax, so I stayed away from it. I kept clean through the years, but it was hard. I had pills shoved in my face at every party and club and I went to. As much as I wanted to take them, I didn't because of my best friend. 

The handle on the door jiggled and in walked Rio, CC, and Bear. "Thank god! Bear, can you please help me? The boys have been on their asses all day today and I need help," Both of the boys gave me fake hurt looks and in return, I gave them my middle finger.

"Yeah, sure. Go sit down, we brought you some food anyways," I sat at the Island, taking the plastic containers out of the bags. It was pizza and Chinese food. They got most of my favorites. "You guys know me way too well," Rio came over, placing a kiss on my temple. "How are you?" His voice was rougher and deeper than a few years ago, and with it just below above a whisper, he could put anyone in a trance. 

"I'm fine, just tired. Normal things, you know?" He gave a small smile before getting up and grabbing a plate for me. "Looks like your little lover boy is all grown up," Chanel busted through the door, and I knew exactly who she was talking about. "Chanel, I can't do this today with you," She smirked, sitting down next to me and handing me her phone.

Ghost Girl.

Star Shopping.


"He wrote all those about you, right?" Slowly nodding my head, she grabbed her phone back. "So, I shot his manager an email for you two to be reunited, he gave me a callback and said he would fly you out here. You just have to sign a couple of wavers and agree for everything to be filmed and they want a list of things the two of you are willing to talk about-"

"Chanel, why the fuck would you do that? Do you not remember a single thing I told about how we ended things with each other?" She sighed, sitting her phone and coffee down and grabbing my hands instead. "Yes, I do, Bunny. But it'll be okay, it's been years. Maybe he's changed,"

"Or maybe he's still the prick he was a few years ago?" Travis came over and wrapped an arm around me, and like an instinct, I melted into him. Travis and I have the bond Josh and I once had. "Thanks for being optimistic. But what if we got your old gang back together? Maybe that'll make you more comfortable?" CC came over and sat with us as well. 

"I don't know guys, Gus and I ended on really bad terms. He was drunk, he meant what he said," 

"He was hurt, just like the rest of us at the time. Give it a chance, Lele," Kyle was right, but I wasn't going to tell him that. He was cocky, he definitely didn't need an ego boost right now. "Fine, but if it goes bad, I blame you guys,"

Come Over When You're Sober PT.2| A Gustav Ahr Fanfiction| Hellboyyy_Where stories live. Discover now