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I wasn't overreacting like everyone said I was, I was literally having the worst day of my life. We landed in L.A. several hours ago and have been at our hotel. it was nice, to say the least. Rio and Chanel picked it out, I got my own suit that was basically the size of a nice condo.

"Get dressed, we're going to dinner with Peep and his manager and his friend," Was she talking about Tracy? Regardless it doesn't matter. "I'm not going, I haven't prepared myself. Everything he said to me that night keeps replaying in my head over and over again,"

"Stop being a pussy and get dressed," I looked at Kyle completely baffled. Looking at Rio for support, he shook his head, "He's right, Principessa," Chanel sat the clothes on my bed and everyone filed out of the room.

I guess I had no choice, I finally had to face my fears head-on.

My mind wouldn't stop reminding me of the words he spoke to me the night before I moved away, though.

"You're a whore, nobody is ever going to love you like I do..."

Those words have haunted me for the past couple of years, sticking with me whenever I tried to find love again. I couldn't admit he was right, but I couldn't find a half-decent relationship since I was with him. It was hard to find interest in someone, I constantly compared them to him. It was embarrassing, to say the least.

I put my thoughts and feeling aside, choosing to feel numb for the rest of the night. Because when we arrived, his face made my heart sink. the cameras and flashing lights blinded me as I made my way out of the car. This was something new for me, something I wouldn't get used to for a while.

I was now in the public eye, and sooner or later, our past would be heard by the entire world.

I didn't speak much during the dinner, only when I was spoken to I would open my mouth. I couldn't eat because I felt nauseous every time he looked at me. I wanted to curl up in a ball in my bed, engulfed in my blankets, and forget about the world around me again.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw a face I hadn't seen in a while though. The familiar brown-curly-haired boy made his way into the restaurant with one other boy and two girls. my girls.

"Bunny!" He was smiling ear to ear as he rushed over to me, making me stand up. He brought me into a tight embrace, burying his face in my neck as he always did when we were younger. "You're even taller now, Josh,"

"Or maybe you got shorter?" He sat down in the only empty spot next to me while everyone else sat at the opposite side of the table. "I'm guessing this is really awkward?" He kept his voice just above a whisper, only loud enough that I could hear him. "More than you think. Despite the fact he and I ended on bad terms, Chanel thought this would be a good idea,"

"She never could take no for an answer," I could feel eyes on the both of us, making me instantly turn my attention to where I thought it was coming from. My eyes met with the blonde boys, making shivers run up and down my body.

He didn't dare to look away, though. A feeling of intimidation hit me, making me feel completely overwhelmed again for what seemed like the fifth time tonight. "So, let's get into details, shall we?" His manager broke the tension between the two of us as we turned our attention to him. "If it's okay with the rest of you, we want to film this. Sort of like a documentary? We'll have you sign some papers, of course, you'll read over the fine print and tell us what you don't like about your contract and then we'll fix it and start filming,"

He was straight to the point which I liked, but he wasn't fooling me. There was definitely something in my contract specifically, he kept his eyes on me during that last part. I wasn't dumb, and hopefully, he knew that. Working with my father for years taught me the ins and outs of the industry and business.

"If you have it, can I get mine now?" I could feel his eyes on me again. I avoided them though, too scared to look into them again. "Yeah, of course,"

I read through it, seeing some things I definitely didn't like. I reached my hand out towards Chanel and she handed me a highlighter. I highlighted everything I didn't like which actually turned out to be a lot, no surprise there though.

"Fix these and get back to me, I'll see you all tomorrow?"

Come Over When You're Sober PT.2| A Gustav Ahr Fanfiction| Hellboyyy_Where stories live. Discover now