Come Over When You're Sober-06

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"Hey, I bought a house for you in L.A. so you can stop staying at Peep's when you're there, now you've got a vacation home of sorts." Of course dad went and did that. I just had this small feeling he was gonna hold it against me like he does the apartment I have for the boys and I.

There was no reason to do it in the first place, I didn't even like going to L.A. I liked staying home in Michigan, and now that I'm in the spotlight, it's like more should be expected of me.

"Dad, how much was it." He was most likely going to keep the price secret, he wasn't the kind of person to tell you how much your gift cost. "Three million but at this point, that's chump change. It's all ready for you so whenever you go out there, give it a look and tell me how much you like it. We can redecorate if you want." Before I could ebbed protest, he had already hung the phone up.

But where was dad getting all of this money from? There was no way he could've grown that much in the span of only a few years, right?

I was brought of my thoughts by a call from an unknown number. When I answered it, Jaseh's familiar voice rang through it. "How'd you get my number?"

"I got it from your label, I was wondering if you wanted to perform at rolling loud with ski and the rest of us. You could be a special guest, we could work on some music before hand and drop It on the spot for the fans, it'll be fire." I always seemed to find myself in a new group of boys. First it was Rio, Alex, and Eli. And then I met Peep, Josh, Tracy, and Chris. And after that, I met Travis and Kyle.

"Sure, I'll set everything up when I come back from tour. We've only got a month or two left on the road before this whole shit show is over."

A shit show it was. We had another show tonight and it was going as planned until a bunch of fans jumped up on stage. Gus and I didn't mind at first but security stayed close by. They weren't underaged either since Peeps shows are eighteen and older but it was still kind of weird to see a bunch of girls all over him.

At the same time, I couldn't show that I was even the slightest bit of mad. No one knew what was going on between Gus and I, not even me.

One of the boys trying to kiss me almost caused a fight, I was unaware of what happened in the moment that it didn't dawn on me until I felt a slight wetness on the side of my face. "How come our shows always end because of some stupid shit?" Everybody in the audience agreed with me. "Yo, run that shit back." I was definitely used to be on stage by now. I had gotten so used to the new faces and the Dj's and all the workers and security guards.

security threw the person out and we let the other people stay on stage with us, it was only fair because they didn't actually do anything. It was just that one guy.

I immediately had phones in my face the moment we stepped backstage, seeing how the media was trying to make me out to be the bad guy. "Let's go." I practically dragged Gus to the tour bus, going live the minute I stepped inside. "I'm gonna wait until there's more people in here to clear shit up cause I'm honestly so fucking tired of the media now."

As the views built up, I could feel the tension between Gus and I as well. "I don't know why people are making me out to be the bad guy cause I didn't even hit the guy or anything. Security pulled him off of me before he could really even touch me so ya'll are making something out of nothing."

Come Over When You're Sober PT.2| A Gustav Ahr Fanfiction| Hellboyyy_Where stories live. Discover now