-Bonus Chapter-

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Post-tragedy, Long Island, NY,  2019. 

"It's nice to see you again, Aaliyah. How have you been?" The sun's rays made the room glow yellow. The familiar scenery was welcoming and all too familiar. 

"I'm good, which is exactly why i wanted to come here and talk to you." She had a questionable look on her face, waiting for me to continue. "I think I should stop coming to therapy. I'm doing so much better now and that's all because of you, and I couldn't be more grateful. But I think I've got everything figured out now. I've been coming for what? Two years? Amiir is amazing, he's in love with the idea of having Josh around when he's not on campus. I think everything is sorted now."

She gave a small smile, "That's great, and I'm happy that you feel that way. I'm glad I was here to help you through all the pain you were going through." 

That day would mark a memory I would never forget. 

It wasn't only when I ended therapy, but when I got engaged. 

"Hey, where's Josh?" Amiir grabbed my hand, running up to my room. The kid had some speed on him for only being three. The hallway was littered with pictures and white flowers. Candles burned with bright flames. 

I kneeled to my beautiful son's level, raising an eyebrow at him. "What's all of this, Mr. sweet face?" He pointed for me to open the door to which I did, finding Josh on one knee. 

"What are you doing? get up before you wrinkle your clothes." He only laughed, reaching in his pocket and pulling out a velvet white box. I had been through this before, but it was only a promise ring. This time, it was different. 

"I know you aren't the type to be tied down, and neither am I. But high school and everything else we've been through together in the past couple of years has taught me that I wouldn't want to spend my life with anyone other than you... I know you lost the love of your life, and I know I can never be that for you. But I will be here until the day you tell me to leave." I could feel my chest pound the quicker my heartbeat became. 

My eyes welled at the sight, not knowing how to react. "I know I'll never be Amiirs real father, but I'll be everything he needs me to be. I'll help him be a man, I'll teach him everything I know. All I know is that the two of you are my world and I wouldn't give that up for anything or anyone." Amiirs little hand reached for mine, tugging on it for me to go to his level. 

"What should I say, hun? Do you want Josh to be your dad?" Josh gave a small chuckle, and an even wider smile spreading to his face. Amiir nodded his head yes rapidly, "Say yes, mommy."

Everything felt perfect, I felt like I was exactly where I needed to be. Although Gus isn't here to see this, i know he'd be proud. Not only because I am the mother of his child, but because I've built a legacy with our son. I've found someone to care for our child as Gus and I would've together.  

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