Romeo's Regrets-08

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"Grazie, apprezzo davvero che tu lo faccia per me." Rio was talking to someone who owned the restaurant we're at. He decided to take me out for dinner since he want's to "spoil" me since my birthday is getting closer and closer and I wont be here for him to celebrate with me. My birthday also happens to fall on one of Peeps shows so we'll most likely have an after party.

It was weird to pre-celebrate given the fact there was a good one to two months until my birthday, but Rio insisted. He came over and sat down with me, looking through the menu. "So, do you know them?"

"My father works with them, they're business partners." Technically they're his now. "Okay, well what were you thinking?"

"Everything's on the house tonight, so order whatever your stomach desires." I was always an eater when I was younger, but the older I got and after I moved back to Michigan, I stopped eating as much. So it wasn't a surprise for him that despite the fact I did order a lot, I didn't eat every last thing on the table.

He had the table cleared the moment I said I was done eating, placing a small box near my hand. "What's this?" I questioned, extremely skeptical at the gift in front of me. "You're not ready to get engaged, I know that, so I'm doing the next best thing. Open it, bunny." I let out a long breath, completely anxious as to what could be in the box. I was being naive, I know that, but I was scared of what could possibly be inside of it.

I hesitated before picking the box up and opening it, finding a fairly looking expensive ring inside. "what's this?" I questioned. "A promise ring for now, until you're ready or you decide not to carry on with me. ti amo, I want to be with you for however long you want me around." His efforts were heart warming. And the fact he thought I was only in this to pass time was also heart wrenching. "I want to be with you too, because if I didn't, I wouldn't have stuck around. I would've been back on tour with Peep, but I'm here, and I want to be here."

"You don't need to-"

"-I mean it. I want this- us... I want us. This life might not be ideal but I mean I grew up around it for fucks sake, it's not like I can't put up with it some more... We had our first kiss outside in your backyard when we were younger, it was dark and hot and... It was perfect..."

"I hate school, I never understand what's going on," I stole a glance at him, smiling. "Yeah, it's okay that you're a little dumb," He playfully rolled his eyes, nudging my side a little bit. "Abuse!" He laughed at me and covered my mouth. "You're gonna wake my dad up stupid," I rolled my eyes. "Your house is basically Malfoy manor, he's not gonna wake up," His eyebrows crinkled. "Who's Malfoy?" I turned on my side, shocked as ever.

"You're telling me you've never watched Harry Potter?" He shook his head. "Oh we're watching it tomorrow, every last movie too. I'll even read the books to you," He made a fake gagging noise. "Ew, you read?" Playfully smacking his arm, he grabbed my hand. His black orbs stared into my green ones. "I'm joking, I'll do it if it makes you happy..." A small smile appeared on my face.

His face inched closer to mine so I closed the gap. His hand reached for my face, deepening the kiss. As we broke apart, we stared at each other once again. The moonlight illuminated his face, making every feature pop. He was beautiful.

"How do you even remember that, it was so long ago." A large smile spread across his face. "I remember a lot of things you wouldn't expect me to."

When Rio and I got home I quickly jumped in the shower and went on live because people were spreading rumors of me being engaged. "I'm not engaged, but it's a promise ring." Rio came in and froze when he saw me on live, he wasn't used to being in the spotlight either. "Vieni qui!" thank god for the little bit of Italian I knew. He came over, sitting down next me and immediately started playing with the ring on my finger.

One person was asking if I knew Italian. "I don't speak Italian fluently but I grew up around it so there is some things I know." Peep ending up joining so I let him go live with me, which made Rio go into the other room. I told Peep about everything that happened and he found it extremely funny.

We spent the rest of the live playing unreleased music and making jokes. "Before I forget, I want you guys to know I'm going back on tour again soon, maybe in like the next couple of weeks."

A company wanted me to model for their company and sent a team here. I for sure wouldn't get used to having random people in my home. I sat with hair and make up as they picked out the outfits. There was a rather wide range of clothes which means this shoot would most likely take hours.

I watched as the set up in the living room, placing lights and backdrops everywhere. Rio's family was over as well so I was praying they wouldn't scare the team off. I caught Rio talking to the photographer a few times but brushed it off, they were probably just talking about the plan for today.

"Che bello! You look amazing my daughter!" Antonino came over, watching as they finished my hair and makeup. "Is this your dad?"

"My father-in-law actually, he's my...boyfriends dad." It felt weird calling Rio that since we never really established what we were, but given the fact he gave me a promise ring, I guess we could say we're together.

The shoot was tiring, and when I started packing I almost fell asleep a few times. "You have some time to pack, love, just get some rest." I sighed, sitting down on the bed. "I have a ton of stuff I need to bring since I'll be gone for a while."

"I know that and again, you have time. Just go to bed, we'll figure this all out."

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