Lil Jeep-02

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 "My father says hi," Rio came in my room and laid down on the bed next to me. "He always does, I'm starting to think I'm his favorite."

"Of course, the whole family loves you." I laughed, "Yeah everyone but your step mom. The woman hates the idea of me ever taking her spot, the spot that I don't even want. What do I look like being the leader of a mafia? It's like fairytale meets... Doomsday. It's not gonna work." Rio rolled his eyes at me. "I think... you'd be wonderful."

"I think I'd piss my pants in front of your allies and make a fool of myself but what do I know? You want food? I'm thinking Greek."


"I can't do this right now, Rio. I've got enough going on with this entire documentary that I don't even wanna do, a love interest isn't going to help my story move along."

Travis, Mikyle and I all went out for coffee and to chill. So, I took them to the cafe I found when I first moved here. It still looked the same, sleek and black. It was actually my first time ever going and their coffee and food was actually really good. 

"How come you never came here when you first moved to Long Island?" Travis asked. I gave a small shrug in response. "Wasn't completely interested in it to be honest, but from now on I will be a loyal customer every time I come to Long Island." They laughed given the fact I had a mouth full of muffin. 

"What's going on with you and Peep? You two seem to be close-"

"Don't get ahead of yourself, we aren't close. We're simply just trying to work out the details, highlight the important, and go from there." They both looked at each other in annoyance. They loved to gang up on me, it's like having two stupid ass sons. "Just get back together with him already, the tension is killing everyone and you were definitely happy with him."

"Yeah, until he showed up on my doorstep in the middle of the night crossfaded and called me a whore. Look, my point is, it's hard to trust him, or anyone for that matter so can you two leave it alone already?" The sighed, nodding their heads and standing up, "We should get back to film, hopefully they didn't follow us here."

After hours of filming, we decided to kick the camera crew out and throw a party. I hadn't really been to parties since high school, being too scared to relapse. But everyone needed to let loose, even me.

"Chanel, how'd your get all these people come?" She showed me her texts and instagram posts. Lord, I really hope this girl didn't let some of Peep and Jazz's crazy ass fans in here. "I have everything under control for the mean time, go have fun, girl." She pushed me into the crowed and walked off so I guess I have no other choice. 

I saw a few people from high school which I completely avoided and ended finding Jazz somewhere, there was no way I was gonna stay with those kids. "You look lost as hell in your own house." I rolled my eyes, "I hate parties now, they're just annoying." I sat down next to him and rested my head on his shoulder. 

"Is it cause you went to a bunch of them when we were in high school?" I groaned. "Of course it is and on top of that, there's just so many drugs in this place it's not even funny. If my dad saw this he'd kill me."

"Don't worry about your dad, he's in like Chicago for business or something and wont be back for a while." Rio came and sat down with us. He loved parties when we were younger, god saying that makes me feel old. "I don't know why I threw this thing in the first place, I practically despise parties."

"Well get used to it, you're gonna be in the public eye a lot, meaning you'll be at a ton of parties and events." I groaned, resting my head on Rio's shoulder now. "I hate this, I hate it here. I'm so ready to go home and call this entire thing quits. This is definitely not the life for me."

"Did you ever figure out a college you wanna go to?" I shook my head no. "I don't think I wanna go anymore, there's just too much happening and plus when the documentary is released, I don't want a group of kids around me everywhere I go. I don't need fake friends either."

"You'd have that with or without this documentary, your dad is well known in most states and is filthy rich at this point. He'd basically buy your way into college." I huffed in annoyance, "And that's exactly what I don't want. I want to be able to get in on my own. I'm smart, I graduated with a five point six GPA, which, was hard as hell to get. I'm not selling out."

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