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My body rested in the tub, soaking in bubbles and oils. I was finally relaxed, even with Travis Sitting outside the door begging to come in. Everyone from Long Island was here but I decided to use whatever free time I had for myself for once.

"Just let me in, I'm bored," I sighed, getting out and wrapping a towel around me, opening the door for him. "You're annoying, you know that?" He just smiled and propped himself up on the counter. "We should put this face mask on,"

Travis was willing to do anything with me as long as we were spending time together, he reminded me of Josh sometimes.

"Yeah sure, Just let me get some clothes on,"

I slipped on a bralette, underwear, and a pair of biker shorts for the time being. "We look like smurfs," My very random comment caused him to burst out laughing. "Come on I want food," Grabbing my hand, he dragged me to the kitchen and propped me up on the counter. "You don't even know how to cook which means I'm stuck making your food," He gave an innocent smile as he took out everything he wanted.

"You're so easy to please though," Mac and Cheese was his all-time favorite I'd always make for him. "Is that Mac and Cheese!? I want some!" Melody rushed over, making me laugh. It was also her favorite as well.

When I still lived in Long Island, she'd always have me make her some for dinner. "You guys are like my children again, I hate parenthood," Groaning, I took a pot out and started boiling some water.

"Are you excited to have an entire documentary about you and Hellboy? I mean, it's kind of romantic, is it not?" I rolled my eyes at Layla, she's always pushed my buttons since I first met her. She hadn't changed but in a good way. "If I have to spend more than ten minutes in a room with him I'll literally throw the cameras at him,"

"Aggravated assault? Wow, your down bad," I flipped Chris off and walked into the living room where Josh was sitting. "So, did you find a new girl to bother and be under all the time? Or are you here to give me my karma for leaving?" He did a fake thinking face before wrapping his arms around me and pushing me backward. "Nope, this is definitely your karma,"

Well, looks like I'd be dealing with three clingy boys again.

"We should go skating, you haven't been in a while, Lele," It was a good idea, I even kept the board Gustav gave me. I never touched it though, it just sat in my closet with the rest of the memories I had of him.

"Sure, I'll go get my board and put some shoes on,"

"You got good since the last time we saw you skate, you used to bust your ass every single time," Once again, I flipped Chris off. "Worry about your board and I'll worry about mine, Beanie head," He scoffed, turning back to the board in front of him.

"So, how is Michigan? What's the big deal with the place?" Josh had sat down next to me on the stairs, resting his body fairly close to mine. His presence was calming, just like it was a few years ago.

"The sense of community we've made in the city I live in alone, Everybody knows everybody. It's calming, to be honest. You know you can count on everyone when you need them most," The small part of Michigan I lived in was completely different than Long Island. We saw each other like family, I helped raise some of these kids there. We moved a lot in just a few months when I was fifteen, so I got to meet a lot of cool people.

"That's good for you, I see why you wanted to move back so much," He gave me a soft smile before wrapping an arm around me. I rested my head on his shoulder, a small cool breeze blowing over our faces.

"I missed you a lot, Aaliyah. It was hard falling asleep without you being there. I would always turn over and expect to see you laying there sound asleep, and when you weren't, I didn't know what to do with myself. I would stay up until I was completely exhausted,"

"I'm sorry... I should've waited to leave," He shook his head, looking down at me for a second. "You did what was right, you took care of yourself instead of everybody else for once. And I'm proud of you. I mean, without you, I wouldn't be where I am right now. I've got colleges asking for me left and right because of you and your dad,"

"Wait, actually? That's great!" He smiled for a second, "Yeah, I couldn't have done it without the two of you... He misses you a lot," Dad barely made an effort to talk to me anymore. He'd send me money every month to buy the boys and I whatever we wanted, he'd pay my bills, my car note, but that was about it. He'd send a small text on my birthday that I'd always reply the same to every year, He'd ask if I want to come to spend the holidays to which. always reply that I'm 'Too busy" which I never was since it was always just me and my friends.

"He's got his life and I've got mine, I'm fine without him for right now. I can't see his face, or hers."

"You've got to get it over with at some point, Liyah,"

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