Romeo's Regrets-04

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 "We want to sign you, we seen you perform some songs and thought you were amazing." Peeps record label had called him to have a conversation with the both of us, I had no clue that it would be because they wanted to sign me.

One thing I had always kept in mind is that once you're apart of a label, you'll eventually lose control over your entire career. I didn't want that to happen. "You already know my father, Joshua Sonders, I know he's worked with several record labels in the past while being a producer and engineer. I'm not allowing myself to lose a career to a label."

"And we wont let that happen either. Your father was good to us, so we'll be great to his children." I sighed, looking towards Peep who only nodded at me. "Okay, yeah, I'll let you sign me." 

"Great! We have an office where you guys are so we're gonna send a car to pick you up and bring you there so you can fill out the paperwork and such." We finished the conversation and I totally freaked out, I can't believe I'm becoming an artist! that's honestly the last thing I expected to come from being my fathers daughter. 

Honestly, I knew one of the only reasons I got signed is because of my dad, and I wasn't going to deny that. But I also know I have talent, and I wont deny that either. 

The entire process got recorded which I wasn't even mad about, Peep posted the process too on his Instagram story which got a lot of views. It's like the more I was around people like this, doing this tour and what not, the more followers and fans I gained of my own. 

We ended up working on our songs in the free time we had while, of course smoking as a celebration for the next couple of days. 

Peep had another show tonight but I didn't go since I had to help my dad prep for a meeting. We were on the phone as he got ready, tying his tie. "Did you go over the bullet points I sent you?" He nodded his head as confirmation. "Remember, walk in with your head up, shake everyones hands while keeping eye contact and don't talk about anything to personal, they hate that."

Dad was trying to get a deal with some tech company, he was basically an investor, that was the type of business he did nowadays. Kaylee Jessica came into the room to which dad muted himself, well, thought he muted himself. 

"Your daughter is on the phone, she's still asking about Aaliyah." Wait, is she talking about... Now fucking way, there is no fucking way. She has to have like kids of her own or something. I decided to keep calm and pretend like I couldn't hear them. 

"Tell her I said she isn't going to see her, I paid her that money to stay away for a reason. Aaliyah is in a great place, she's becoming a star, more than what Delilah or Dani would've been." Dani is the sister I hadn't spoken to since she left, her full name is Danileigh. I thought she left because of the divorce, but I guess not. 

I quickly hung up, ignoring the messages he'd send to me throughout the next couple of weeks.

"Hey, I'm worried about you. You wont go to shows, wont talk to me or anyone else. Maybe you should go back to Michigan until you feel better to come back to the tour, we'll get you flight whenever you're ready." He was right, being on tour wasn't a priority for me anymore. I had fallen into a dark place knowing dad was paying Dani to stay away, and the fact she was actually taking the money made it worse. 

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