Lil Jeep-03

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 Back in high school, I had these combat boots I'd wear all the time. I even wore them to my first Long Island party. They were beat up and old and the leather was peeling off of them. Eventually I replaced them with new ones. The new ones had heels, the new ones were pitch black like the night, the new ones made me feel confident. 

The heels clicked against the marble floors through the house as we set it up for production. I figured if I was going to keep filming this, I'd want it to be perfect. I never studied film, but I took a photography class in high school. My subject of expertise was music producing, writing song lyrics, and anything with music in general. 

My best skill was cheerleading. I thought about going to college for it, but it's not something I'd want to do forever. Cheer was something I did in high school, it was something to make my transcripts look good. Cheer made me top dog of both schools I went to throughout my teenage years, it made me popular. Cheer is my past.

The film crew came in and set up all the cameras and tweaked a few things I had set up before they started filming with everyone. Gus, Jazz, and I were in the other room working on their song. 

Since my father gave up music and they weren't able to work with him, they asked me for help with producing. The name of their is 'Witchblades' and it's actually super good. I had never listened to Peeps new music, not since I left Long Island. I would listen only to the ones he showed me a long time ago, Star Shopping hitting the hardest.

"Bro it sounds so dope," They both high-fived me, completely amazed by the track I just mixed for them. "Even though I don't like the man, I get it from my father." Some of the production crew came in and started recording us. "You guys working on a song?"

"I just finished mixing one for them," 

"Did you ever help them with music when you guys met in high school?" I shook my head no. "I only listed to Peeps songs, I never helped them with their music. But, when we first met, they knew who I was because of my dad." A smile spread across the producers face. "Your dad is Joshua Sonders, how does it feel to be the daughter of man who's worth over thirty million?"

"I'm proud of my father. I mean, we literally came from nothing and now he's running a multi-billion dollar company. I remember going to meeting with him, coaching him before hand, and so much more." I sat down in one of the chairs, standing for too long makes me super dizzy lately. 

"He's sponsored a few football players that played in high school, one of them is your friend Josh West. He's been sponsoring him since your Junior year in high school, is there any history behind that?" I knew at some point they were gonna try and get insight on everyones relationships. 

"Josh and I dated in high school. It was one of those cliche stores; the quarter back and the cheer captain." I hadn't talked about Josh and I's relationship for the past couple of years, it was just something from my past that didn't need to be spoken about. "What was your relationship like?"

"It was fun, we spent of a lot of time together. We threw the majority of the parties, he got to meet my friends and family in Michigan who absolutely adored him. He just fit in perfectly." I could see Peeps face soften as I continued talking to the producers. It was kinda making me feel bad...

"Okay, that's all we need for right now but if you can get your parents to film with us, that would be perfect." There was no way I gonna have my parents in a room together, that's a homicide waiting to happen. "I'll be back, I have to go pay my mom a visit."

Mom opened the door, completely surprised to see me. She tried to hug me and I just stepped away to which she ushered me to come in. She moved to Long Island a little after I left, I don't know why though. Maybe to be closer to dad. She was always asking him for money when I was living with him. "It's so great to see you, how have you been, hun?" 

"I'm fine, mom. I came to talk to you about the documentary that's currently in production. They want to interview you and dad, they're doing it with everyone else." She, again, was surprised. "Wow, I mean of course I would. You're so grown up,"

As I went to respond, a guy walked through the door. Both of our eyebrows furrowed in confusion as we looked at each other. "Delilah, who's this?" Mom cleared her throat, causing me to turn my attention to her. "This is my daughter, Aaliyah. Aaliyah, this is Daniel, my fiancé." 

Wait, that means I'll have a step mom and a step dad...ew.

He reached his hand out for me to shake, I hesitantly did so. "Your mom has told me a lot about you. I heard you graduated top of your class and was offered a spot on the WSU cheer team."

"I didn't want to commit, Cheer was only something I did in high school, it was never a career choice." He nodded his head in understanding. "What are you thinking about for a career then?" He asked. "Music producing, I've already started with some of my friends from high school. My father is a very well known ex-producer which means I can eventually work with a label."

"Oh... Music, I would've figured you'd go to college for political science or get a medical degree and become a bug surgeon." My eyebrows furrowed once more. "I don't know why you would think that given the fact that I've never been interested In either one of things." Mom didn't know me, I don't think she ever did. I was my fathers daughter for a reason. 

She never took much interest in me, but she did in my sister. She gave her everything she could ever want, anything she asked for. Mom babied her, and when she left, things got worse. Mom was the cause of her and dads split, she was the cause of my sister leaving. 

Of course she wasn't going to admit that though, she had too much pride. And well, my dad is another story. 

"How about you stay for dinner? Daniel is an amazing cook." I shook my head no. "I gotta get back, but I'll call you whenever they production crew needs you. You'll have to sign an NDA and a couple of other documents before you can film with us. I'll see later." 

And with that, I got on my bike and left. Who knew mom would have a new man in her life. There's no way I'm letting that prick or her fool me into thinking they're good people. Only reason mom ever called while I was in Long Island and after I moved back to Michigan was for money, which I never gave her. 

But now that leaves me with getting dad on board, and there's a good chance they aren't going to want to be in the same room as each other.

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