Lil Jeep-06

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 "Since I wont be able to see you on your birthday, Jazz and I got you an early birthday gift." They dragged me outside where a Jeep Wrangler was. "Your joking right? The newer models are expensive as hell." Josh laughed at me. "Didn't you just spend over fifty grand on mine?" I groaned, grabbing the keys that Peep was holding. 

"I'll take the car under one condition." Peep smiled. That smile, the one that made me fall for him, the one that gave me butterflies in my stomach, the one that made my heart warm in the winter. "What's your offer Newbie." That nickname, something I'll never forget. He knows what he's doing, and god does it feel amazing. 

It scares me to know I might fall for him again, you never know someones true intentions. 

"I want you to take a spin in it with me. You bought it, so you get to take the first ride with me." He playfully rolled his eyes, pushing me to get in the front seat. "Do you guys want me to pick up anything when we're gone?" They all shook their heads no so Peep and I set off on our adventure.

Peep and I sat sat in a vacant parking lot. It was down pouring so we figured we wait it out until the rain wasn't as hard. He played some of his music for me, which in all honesty was awkward given the fact he wrote songs about me. I mean, he didn't even try to hide it either. He simply just wanted me to listen to them. 

I don't know if It was a way to make me feel guilty or what, but given the fact we're in a good place with each, I think he was being genuine. I'm tired of trying to fight against what I know, there's no point in hating him anymore. 

"You know, you could always come on tour with me." My brows furrowed, why would he want that? "How? I mean like why?" He chuckled at my confusion. "You get to explore the world, we can make a list of things you wanna do in each city. And you can come on stage with us if you want, it'll be fun." 

"Why are you being so nice? I was a bitch to you the moment I got to L.A." He let out a long sigh, hesitating a little which made me even more confused. But he grabbed my hand in his, giving it a small squeeze. "I just want you back in my life, Aaliyah. Nothings been right since high school, since you moved. I just want things to go back to how they used to be." Peep wasn't the kind of person to break down or spill his feelings out in front of people. 

He'd only do so in private, or when nobody was around. I'm not surprised there's more than meets the eye, but I don't know what I want. Being with Peep and putting myself in a position where he could hurt me again is nerve wracking. Although, we had been through so many obstacles to be with each other, but then again, we hurt people in the process. We even hurt each other.

And it all comes down to Rio really. I've know him almost my entire life, when we were thirteen we kissed, we liked each other, and Rio's father wants us to be together. But Rio's family is a mafia, and I don't know if I want any part of that, especially if there's any illegal activity. 

I didn't realize I spaced out until the rain got even harder. "We might end up stuck her for the rest of our lives." I sighed at his statement, turning the car back on. "We should go get snacks and stuff for everyone. We're done filming in Long Island so we minus we'll celebrate as a group." He nodded in agreement and once again, we were on an adventure.

"It's definitely your fault that we got kicked out," Peep and I went to the mall for a little bit, and ultimately got kicked out because he kept walking up to people and saying stupid shit. "I was just doing what I do best, telling jokes." I playfully rolled my eyes. "You are the joke, Gustav."

"Ah, I see we're back on first name basis again," He just doesn't give up, does he? It was flattering in a way, he was actually trying to make things right while I was constantly being a hard ass to him. The more I think about it, the more I realize I'm taking his effort for granted. I'm being selfish. He's actually trying and I keep brushing it off. 

"Indeed we are." He gave me a small smile as we linked our pinkies. "Good."

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