Romeo's Regrets-09

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Dan and Mom let Rio and I bring the kids here. They were off somewhere while Rio, Eli, and I all talked about business. I was barely even paying attention when I heard them run out way, feeling myself freeze up at the sight.

Carl stood in front of us with a Glock pointed at our bodies, a bright smile on his face. He pulled the trigger, completely surprised at the sound escaping from the weapon and the bullet that grazed Eli's arm. "Carl! Give me the gun now!" He ran over, dropping the gun in my hand. I quickly took the clip out and cocked it so the one in the chamber came out.

"Jesus, the kids got good aim I guess." I looked towards Eli who's shoulder was bleeding. "Rio get the damn first aid kit I have to call Dan." Calling Dan was the worst idea I ever had. He practically wanted to kill us. "I don't want them back here, ever. I don't want them around you, your house and these thugs are dangerous."

Before I could sweet talk my way into getting him to forgive me, Rio tried to swing on him but luckily, the injured Eli stopped him. "That's it, stay away from me and my kids. We're leaving Delilah!"

"Mom, do not let another man ruin our fucking family or I swear to god I will never fucking forgive you." Although this happened because they never put the guns away, if mom walked out that door, it would prove to the whole family how weak she was. It would prove that dad was always right, that I shouldn't have let her back in like everyone said.

"I'm sorry, Aaliyah." I could feel my eyes well with tears at the sight. "Mom do not walk out of that fucking door!" I could feel a hand on my shoulder making me immediately push them off of me. "Let's go..." Dan rushed her out the door with the kids and mom didn't even give a single look back.

Dad was right. He was always right. I should've fucking listened.

"I could've fixed it, I could've fixed everything but you just had to fucking react and mess it all up Rio! Why can't you control your anger sometimes!"

"Because I'm not a thug, Aaliyah! I don't put peoples lives in danger, I take care of my family and that includes you and you know that!"

Without another word, I started packing the rest of my bags. "Where are you going Aaliyah?" His voice was cold and at the same time, concerned. "I'm going to stay at my apartment since us being in the same place as each other clearly isn't going to work." He didn't try to stop me, knowing I was set on my decision.

The drive over was quiet, I had no interest in listening to music and pretending like I was okay. I piled all my stuff into the apartment, finding the boys standing at my door. "You're back... What happened?"

"Dan wont let me see the kids because Carl shot Eli in his arm, it was only a graze but still... I could've fixed shit if Rio just kept his fucking mouth shut. I know he's not a thug, I know he would never hurt anybody, I know he only wants to take care of his family but so do I was starting to and... Now I have that chance anymore."

They both came in and laid down on my bed. "Sometimes I wish I could just go back in time and fix all my mistakes... Maybe I'd still be in Long Island, maybe I would've never come back." They both scoffed at my statement. "You hated it there, like actually hated it there. You wouldn't have stayed even if things did work out. Michigan is your home, it's where you were born and raised."

"I'm just gonna stay here until I leave for tour, I don't wanna go back there, not after tonight." The boys gave me a pep talk, making me realize that regardless, Rio and I would argue here and there. They also made me realize that an argument should never be about the fact my new step-brother shot Emiliano.

I had Rio meet me outside the apartment complex to talk, I just wanted to fix things. But it seemed like that wasn't where this was going.

"I should've put the guns up, I know that. But what we do is dangerous, we have people coming in left in right Aaliyah, we need to protect ourselves." I chose to stay quiet, mainly because I didn't know how to respond."

"I can fix this, just let me do that for you, bunny." I sighed, relaxing my body. I was tense and hadn't even realized it. "You can't fix, not this this time, RIo. I think we should take a break... At least until I come back from tour."

"No, we don't need a break I just need to fix what I did." I knew he wasn't going to listen, I knew he wasn't going to agree. "Just... Go home, come over when you get your head straight."

Come Over When You're Sober PT.2| A Gustav Ahr Fanfiction| Hellboyyy_Where stories live. Discover now