Romeo's Regrets-01

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Rio's been helping me pack my things for the tour with Peep, Jazz canceled because he has a lot of stuff to take care of back in L.A. We had the majority of it packed but he, and everyone else, didn't want me to leave.

There would be a camera crew here in Michigan, one in Long Island, one in L.A., and another that would be on the tour with Peep and I. Rio, of course, was skeptical about me being alone with Gus given the fact he still wants me. Which is kind of far-fetched since he's never vocalized that, but at the same time, his actions spoke louder than his words.

"Take my card with you." Rio sat put one of his many cards in my wallet he just bought me. He's been spending a lot of money on me lately, which isn't anything new, but I really hope that's not his way of winning me over.

"Can you hand me my shoes?" Rio softly moved me aside, finishing the rest of my bags. "You should get to sleep, you have to get up early Principessa." He placed a small kiss on my temple. I had to admit, affection from Rio was like no other. He was sweet and kind on the inside, but around everyone else, he was stone cold. It felt nice being able to see that side of him.

Rio's always been a softy around me ever since we were younger, but not to this extent.

I had already said my goodbyes to mostly everyone, leaving only Rio, Travis, and Kyle. "You guys will be fine! You have the whole group here to take care of the three of you." I knew Travis wasn't gonna be fine, I knew he would have more breakdowns with no one there to stay with him until he fell back asleep. I knew things were gonna get worse with him, and I of course felt bad, but It was time for me to go off on my own adventure.

My life practically revolved aorund the boys, I spent every waking moment with them. That was until all this happened; Rio, Peep coming back. I feel like it happened for a reason though, maybe the universe is trying to tell me something.

Travis practially wouldn't let go of me and Kyle had to pry him off, he looked like he was gonna cry. I felt bad, I knew he would need me and I wouldnt be able to be there for him. Rio's hug lasted the longest though, and I was fine with it because In all honesty, I was becoming attached. The whole marriage thing wasn't ideal, but it was kind of growing on me.

Peep and I boarded our plan, private of course. We were flying to L.A. where we would get to our tour bus.

"You excited?" I simply shrugged. "I havent been on my own in a while, this is new to me." He gave a small smile. "You're not alone, I'm here. And I promise to make it worth your time."

We got back when it was dark, choosing to stay at Gus's house for the night. Everyone called here and there to check in, Rio the most. I knew he didn't trust Gus, but I did. He's grown a lot, and I just know he wouldn't do anything to hurt Rio and I's relationship... Hopefully.

I took the guest bedroom but we we're currently watching some of the behind the scenes the crew posted. "They make it look like we never stopped being friends." A light smile played on my face as I watched the two of us laugh with each other. We looked so happy...

"I think that's enough social media for tonight." Peep grabbed my phone, turning it off. "Let's watch a movie or something, or you can cook for me because you're amazing at that." I gave a fake thinking look making him laugh. "Fine, what were you thinking?"

"Greek, since that's so clearly your specialty." I got up, heading to his kitchen that was surprising stocked despite him not being here for a while. "Where'd you even learn to cook Greek food anyways?"

"My dad's Greek, I never told you that? His mom is from Greece and his dad was born here in the states. I never really met them, Mom and dad kept their distance from their parents for some reason... It's really just been me, especially since my sister left. I haven't heard from her since." His face softened at the mention of my sister.

I never talked about her much to anyone, it's too much of a sensitive topic. She left because of the divorce, we never heard from her since. Everyday I just pray she's okay. Dad doesn't talk about her at all, he never really valued her either. When she left, I took the role of pushing dad to keep business going.

"I didn't mean to-"

"-No, it's okay. Don't worry about it. Anyways, can you um, help me reach some of the stuff?" I was always shorter than Peep, only staying 5'5 since high school and him being over 6ft. He smiled as he reached up, grabbing what I needed and handing it to me. "Show me where the pots are."

Peep grew, as I've said before. But not physcially, I mean mentally, emotionally, and spiritualy. He was a for sure a different person, I liked this version of him better. In all honsty, he brought out the best in me now. I liked that. Because when we were kids, we were toxic and a mess. But now were better.

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