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The first day of filming was today and I wasn't excited, to say the least. Today was just basic interviews and I'm glad the first person I got paired with was Josh.

The day went by fast until my interview with Peep and Tracy. They were already seated, waiting for me to go over to began filming. "You'll be fine, you look great. Just stop avoiding eye contact with him, that's exactly what he wants," Chanel gave me a quick pep talk before pushing towards the two boys. Before leaving, she gave them a snarky smiling making me have to suppress an oncoming laugh.

The cameras were rolling and the attention was turned to the three of us as it became quiet on set. "So, how did you three meet?"

Jazz and Gustav would go on to explain how the two of them met before it was my turn. "It was maybe my first week into living in Long Island. I went to a corner store, getting lost several times in the process. Jazz and Gustav came in and when I introduced myself, Jazz recognized me because of my dad,"

"And who exactly is your dad?"

"Joshua Sonders, ex-producer and now big-time business owner," I knew the mention of my father's name made some of the employees shudder. He became even bigger since I left, expanding his business to far more places than just Michigan and NYC. "What was your first impression of these two when you met them?"

"I thought they were cool- nice even. They were welcoming, even gave me a nickname," I could feel Peeps eyes staring into me as I mentioned that name. "Newbie" he used to call me. I had that nickname for a while.

"Any drama ever happen between you guys? Anything the fans would be excited to know?" It's like the interviewer already knew, he just wanted to hear it from us specifically. "A lot, but some things are better left untalked about,"

As they called it a wrap, I began to walk away before being stopped in my tracks. "Hey," His voice didn't change much, but he definitely did. His tattoos and appearance had just dawned on me, the way he presented himself changed too. He had a kind and sweet demeanor, it was different from what I remembered.

"What do you want?" My voice was cold. I had no interest in being unreasonably kind to him. "I just want to talk..." His voice was soft and seemed genuine, I still protested though. I couldn't just give In that easily.

"There's literally nothing to talk about. We both said what we needed to say the day before I moved," I tried to walk away, but he stopped me again. "Get the fuck out my way-"

"Please, just talk to me, Aaliyah! You can't ignore me if we're gonna be working together," He wasn't wrong, but he wasn't right either. I could ignore him while working with him, the rest of the documentary would be footage of us all together, some interviews here and there, and his upcoming tour.

"Fine, five minutes. That's all and then I'm leaving," He sighed, grabbing my hand and dragging me outside. As much as I tried to pull away, he kept a strong grip, not letting go until we were inside his trailer. "What was the point of bringing me here?"

"Because I need to talk to you in private, I can't do it with everyone watching," Peep had anxiety, so as much as I wanted to be a bitch, I couldn't. I could only be understanding as usual. "Well talk, your the one who wanted to make amends or some shit,"

"Back in long Island, when you left and I sobered up, I realized I fucked up bad. Like, really bad. I said a lot of fucked up shit I didn't find out about until everyone told me. I know I was a dickhead and I fucked up but things are different now, we've both grown. We've both had time to ourselves and-"

"-Please get to the point, your time is running out and I'm ready to go back to my hotel,"

"I know, I'm getting there, just give me a minute..." Sighing, I sat down in front of him since my legs were getting tired. "I fucked your head up, I made you hate me. And I'm sorry. Even if we never get our bond back that we had a few years ago, I at least want us to be kind of okay or cool. Whatever works for you, I just can't stand to-"

"Okay..." He looked stunned at my words. I was a forgiving person, sometimes too forgiving. But he seemed genuine and like he changed and matured. I couldn't hate him anymore. I wasn't doing it for him, but more for myself.

"It's not for you, but for me. Just try not to be such a dick anymore,"

Come Over When You're Sober PT.2| A Gustav Ahr Fanfiction| Hellboyyy_Where stories live. Discover now