Romeo's Regrets-03

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(A/N: I'm currently writing this at 2 am as if I don't have to wake up at 7 to get ready for school. Inspiration strikes at random moments I guess.)  

Peep and I are on the tour bus; We were bored so we've been live for about an hour or so. We were just working on music and talking to his fans. Peep and I was talking about releasing a song together when Rio repeatedly blew my phone up. I rolled my eyes, shutting my phone off completely.

He knew that by me coming on this tour, I'd be busy a lot and wouldn't always be able to talk. And talking on live with him just wasn't an option; I don't want the media and fans in on my personal life. I gave Peep a look, telling him to end the live which is what he did. 

We sat in silence as he scrolled through his phone, trying to ignore the awkward aura surrounding the two of us. 

"What's going, Bunny?" Hearing that nickname from him was like nostalgia. He had said it many times before around people, but he chose to call me my real name in private. I don't know why it made me feel like that; it was all so random. 

"Rio's been blowing my phone up ever since we left, It's getting annoying." He sighed, seemingly irritated with the topic himself. "That's how people act on your first tour, just don't stress it." It's nerve-wracking that he hadn't caught on yet, sparking my anxiety. I knew I'd have to tell him eventually, and since the topic is already being spoken about, I minus well tell him now.

"It's not because we're far away from each other... He doesn't trust you, Gus, because of what happened in high school when I was with Josh." It's like it finally clicked in his head. "I'm not gonna try anything, I promise I'm not like that anymore-"

"And I know that, and I've tried to tell him that-everyone that, but no one cares. It's making everything harder than it has to be." He sat back in his seat, obviously becoming stressed by the topic. Tour has been fun, but everyone's making it the opposite of that. 

Gus, being the goofy person he is, tried to cheer me up. It worked in the long run, that was before he asked about the scar on my shoulder. I explained how it happened, and how it brought up trauma I was trying to forget. Just like before, silence filled the air between us. 

He pulled his pants leg up, showing me a scar on his shin. "I got this from Tracy, he threw his skateboard at me when he was mad one day. I didn't really blame him for it though, he was already having a bad day and I wasn't making it any better." I let out a soft chuckle, slightly feeling better. 

"Derek was an asshole, he didn't deserve you and we all knew that. Everybody knew how he was but in the beginning, you were happy. We didn't ruin that for you, but we were all scared for how things would end. I'm not gonna say we were right cause that's a shitty thing to do right now-"

"But you were, and I should've listened to you guys. I was so hard headed back then, I should've just left before things got bad..." My voice cracked, tears welling up in my eyes. "Everything's okay now, you've got your life together now, that's all that matters."

Gus decided to take the crew and I out for lunch, which eventually attracted a lot of paparazzi. I guess Gus noticed since he grabbed my hand, giving it a small squeeze. He'd never do this when we were younger given the fact I didn't have anxiety then, but he was helping in whatever way he could now. 

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