Come Over When You're Sober-03

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As usual, Gus and I were working on music together while driving to the next place. We thought going live would pass some time so we did. Things were going normal usual, including Rio blowing my phone up. I completely ignored him though, I didn't have energy for this today.

Ski ended up joining the live so I invited him. "Yo, I just found out who your pops is." I playfully rolled my eyes. "Doesn't everybody know by now? I practically never hear the end of it." He gave a soft chuckle. "Aye, that means you know how to produce and engineer right?"

"Yeah I've done it for Peep and Tracy a few times, why?"

"You want to work on some songs with me when you get back after tour? I know you stay in Michigan so I can fly you out." I was completely impressed with the way he was coming on to me, he was smooth with it. "Are you flirting with me?"

"Only if you single." I bursted out laughing at his response. "Yeah, I'm single. But definitely, we could make something dope."

Ski eventually left the live when Peep and I started cooking. We were making a complete mess that I knew for a fact, neither one of us were going to clean up. "Hold on, Kaci is calling."

I went into the other room and answered the phone. "So I saw your live and you need to accept Ski's offer, this will be amazing for your career-"

"I already did, I'm starting to think I do your job better than you." I quickly hung up before she could get another word out. When I walked back out, Peep ended the live and was already smoking. He just sat and listened to me complain about Kaci, she was literally the worst manager ever.

"She gon roll with me tonight, we connect like wifi-" I felt my life flash before my eyes as I watched several fights and gunshots ring through the area. I quickly ducked down along with Peep as security helped us back stage.

The moment the tall blonde and I locked eyes, we bursted out laughing. "Dude, no fucking way someone just shot up our show." We sat down on the couch, talking to people backstage who worked here before the production crew came over.

"We want you guys to go to set so we can do interviews." I sighed, standing up and pulling Gus with me. "To hell we go!" Jumping on his back, we zoomed out of the building and into the car Peeps security had for us.

"So, where the two of you stand with each other? You seem closer than you were when we first started filming." I shifted in my seat a little, slightly uncomfortable given the fact the memory of the other night came up.

"We're good, better than before. That's all that matters." I guess they noticed the tension since they started asking other questions. "What are you plans for when the tour ends? Are you going to move out to L.A. since you're now a big star?"

"I think we might end up going our separate ways but of course, keeping contact with each other." My phone, once again, blew up with texts and calls from no other than Rio. I turned my phone off, not wanting to deal with the annoying vibrations and sound effects.

The night before rested on my mind, so I texted Eli.

Aaliyah: Tell your brother to stop texting and calling me, Emiliano.

He blows my phone up every damn night and it's getting annoying.

Eli: Yeah, sure.

How everything going with tour?

Aaliyah: It's fine, I've just got a lot on my plate right now.

I'll talk to you some other time

My eyes wondered to the mic and computer we had set up in the mini studio we had on the bus. I wouldn't hurt to get some work done.

(A/N: Another short chapter, yes. I don't think it's writers block, I'm just extremely tired lately and have a bunch of school work to do so I guess I'm just pushing myself a little too hard. I'm extremely excited to write the upcoming chapters though, I've got a lot planned for this last segment of the book.)

Come Over When You're Sober PT.2| A Gustav Ahr Fanfiction| Hellboyyy_Where stories live. Discover now