Lil Jeep-09

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 My head was pounding when I woke up. The Champaign plus the Xanax took a rather large approach to how it wanted to wake me up. Rio was sleeping peacefully next to me, his hair slightly messy and covering his face. I had no plans on going back to the apartment soon, I just have this gut feeling the camera crew is there. 

I got up slowly to ensure I didn't wake the sleeping boy next to me and changed into his dress shirt that was on the floor. I, unfortunately, didn't have any clothes here and would have to walk downstairs with only this on. Not that it's anything new for me, I took baths with the boys when we were little. 

Walking downstairs, I checked a few of my messages and voicemails, finding one from my dad. Putting it to my ear, I listened. "I heard you were at the St.Claires for dinner last night, I was heading over there later today and was wondering if you wanted to come out and Kaylee." I groaned, deleting the voicemail. I will not be going out with them later. I'd rather drink bleach. 

When I got downstairs, the family chef was already making breakfast. He's been cooking for them since we were younger, he's got sweet grandpa vibes to him. I grabbed a slice of bread from the pantry and sat down on top of the counter. "That's not very sanitary, Aaliyah." 

"I have a hang over, I don't need a lecture too." he just smiled, going back to what he was doing. "What do you think about Mr. St.Claire wanting me to marry Rio? I don't really know how to wrap my head around it." 

"It's pretty simple. You've been apart of this family since you were a baby, and Rio's loved you since the first day you two met. He talks about you a lot, especially when you stopped hanging around him and more around those two girls. He cares about you and from what I see, he'd do anything to make you happy." That definitely wasn't what I was expecting to hear from him. I could barely process it. 

Rio's step mom walked into the kitchen making me roll my eyes, I really don't like the woman. She's had a problem with me ever since she married their father, I still have no clue what the hell I've ever done to her. She eyed me as she sat down. 

"Keep staring, maybe you'll absorb my looks and actually become attractive." She scoff. "You're one disrespectful little rut, aren't you?"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, stronza" My small Italian speaking skills came in handy sometimes. I mainly knew cuss words though since that's all Eli and Rio ever taught me. Everything else I learned was from their father and real mother. 

"Why are you still in my house?" I smirked, taking a sip of her drink. "You mean my soon to be house? I'm simply just minding my business, more than I could say for you," She stood up, making me cock a brow at her. "What are you gonna do? Hurt me? I'd like to see you try." Right when she was gonna jump at me, the boys and their father broke it up. 

"Keep her check." I tried to reach for her again but Rio, once again, held me back. "Stop, go into the other room." I wanted to protest, but I did as told, sending the old bitch a death glare on my way out. Rio followed me, sitting on the couch. He let out a long sigh. "Why do you always have to start with her?" 

"I didn't start it this time, the bitch was glaring daggers when she walked in. I was minding my business, unlike her." I sat down next to him, bringing my legs over his lap. "Are you going home today?"

"Eh, probably not. I have no interest in filming anymore, I'm sure they can finish without me. And I don't wan them bringing cameras here. Anyone else's house is fine but they're gonna put on a false narrative if they come here and I don't have the energy to sue the entire crew and the producers and directors." He chuckled a little. 

It was storming outside, kind of expected given the weather yesterday. The rain was hitting the large windows in front of us, bringing a calming feeling to me. I always loved the rain. It brought me comfort, especially in dark times. 

"I'll bring you some stuff for you stomach, my aunt's a nurse and taught me something for football..." His trailed and he sat next to me, reaching for my hand. "I love you, Aaliyah. You know that right?" Simply nodding, I turned away from him.

It was still pouring raining outside which brought me some sort of comfort despite the circumstances. "Can you open the window a little so I can hear it?" he hesitated before getting up and doing so, and when he left my room, He left the door halfway open.

It was devastating that this was how I would spend my last few weeks in Long Island. Angry, hurt, and watched. 

I rested my head on Rio's shoulder, feeling his hand travel to my thigh. "You should out some pants on." I groaned making him roll his eyes. "At least stay in my room if you're gonna be half naked."

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