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"Do you think everything will be okay now?" I sat in Rio's hotel room he shared with Alex. It was late and dark in the room, we had a candle lit that gave the perfect amount of light in the room. "I'm not sure, maybe? He seems like he's changed," We were sat on the floor at the foot of the bed, he's resting against each other.

"He actually apologized. I never thought that day would come," He smiled down at me for a second. "How did it feel when he told you all of that?"

I thought for a moment, how did I feel? I never gave that conversation a second thought until tonight. "I'm not sure... But it was relieving to know he even slightly cares about his actions,"

"I'm scared to get my heart broken again, Rio..." We both grew quiet. After a few seconds, he placed a soft kiss on my head. "I won't let that happen, I'll be here with you the entire time, Love,"

Day two of filming was easier than expected. We just shot a bunch of behind-the-scenes and goofed around. We were on break right now before the next interviews and surprisingly, everyone was getting along. "You guys should come over after filming, we could get crazy,"

"I am not in the mood for a hangover, but I'm down," Everyone else agreed and began getting ready for filming again.

"I need Sonder's and Peep on set right now,"

"So tell me, what was your guys' friendship like?"

Peep and I looked at each other, holding in laughs as he proceeded to talk. "Um... It was fun, I taught her how to skate and she helped with a lot of my music. Aaliyah is the person you can always count on, she's a safety blanket for all of us,"

"That's amazing, but rumor has it, you two ended on bad terms?"

Of course, he had to bring that up...

"A lot happened between the two of us... We were foolish teenagers who couldn't control our emotions, we let them get in the way too much," I could see Gus smile a little in the corner of my eye. "Was there a romance between the two of you at some point?"

We grew quiet, not knowing whether or not to answer the question.

"Bunny was my everything; Her and my mom were the only things that got me out of my bed in the morning..."


"What do you think about the new him?" I sat on the balcony of my suit with Jazz, someone I hadn't spoken a word to in a very long time. We were never close, but we were always there when we needed each other or wanted someone to hang out with.

We were distant friends, but close in heart.

"I can't speak too soon, he might be a total dick still,"

Tracy grew quiet, letting out a long sigh.

"You know... He's changed a lot, Newbie. He regrets the shit he said to you, he wishes he could take it all back and just be happy with you again,"

I didn't know if I should believe him or not, I couldn't allow myself to be so gullible. For all I know, this could've been a trap. He was once my poison paradise.

"I don't know yet... I can't let myself feel how I felt that night or the nights before and after. I felt so fucking terrible about myself, I just cried all night. It seems like that was the only thing I was good at doing back then; That and running away from my problems, obviously."

He chuckled a little bit, making me smile. Things were always lighthearted with Tracy, you just couldn't be in a bad mood when with him. "Just give him a chance, he'll make it worth it, I promise,"

He headed inside, leaving me outside all alone. I took a glance over my shoulder, hearing the already loud music get louder. Everyone was partying and filming and having the time of their lives, and I was out here. I didn't have a single interest in what they were doing. Parties weren't my scene anymore. I wasn't even sure If I was the same person I was back then.

The only thing that really remained the same of the blonde-haired boy was his smile, something I always admired. His dimples popped out just as they used to. My heart began to flutter at the sight, making me instantly turn around. I couldn't give in that easily, I just couldn't.

Come Over When You're Sober PT.2| A Gustav Ahr Fanfiction| Hellboyyy_Where stories live. Discover now